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Reviews for Damn It Hermione

By : shelly56787
  • From on May 28, 2008
    yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
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  • From on May 28, 2008
    yeah great chapter.
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  • From on May 28, 2008
    yeah great chapter.
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  • From on May 28, 2008
    yeah great chapter.
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  • From on May 28, 2008
    yeah great chapter.
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  • From ANON - kunitsu on May 07, 2008
    Oh my that was so nice and I would really love to see where this is going so please continue
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  • From hotmamma82 on September 25, 2007
    OMG! I love vamp fics and I LOVE this one! It has been a while since it was updated. I hope that you have not given it up! Please continue and update soon I am dying for more!
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  • From alma on July 12, 2007
    I like how Lucius talks to Harry, it's very sweet.
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  • From anniea on July 12, 2007
    oh please update soon and if you can will you please alert me when you've updated? my email is update soon *kisses*
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  • From crazycheryl on July 06, 2007
    You sure know the phyci of a person who has been abused in more than way and has sought control of their life through not so acceptable ways, but it is all that is left to them. You also are capturing to a tee how long and hard the road back from pain, self denial and blocked feeling and memories is. At first I was upset as to how whimpy you had turned Harry, but then I came to realize just what point of view you were coming from and it made perfect sense. You know how to write a good story and are not afraid of showing people the parts of life they chose to ignore. THANK YOU.
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  • From Bastian on July 05, 2007
    Poor Harry! Lucius should kill his relatives and be done with it! I hope you update soon, I'll be watching and waiting! :D
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  • From Mitamay on July 05, 2007
    I'm 'bout to say 'Damn it Rose' at this rate! XD I think it's very very sweet what Lucius is doing, working through Harry's issues, yet it gets sooo close and yet sooo far...oh, the tension! EM
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  • From kellar on July 05, 2007
    i love your story so dont worry i wont flame unless it involves smores i cant wait for the next update so please do so soon
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  • From talley on July 03, 2007
    Love vampire Draco. Glad there will be more.
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  • From kellar on July 03, 2007
    i loved this chapter it was good to see a gentler side to draco but i would love to see more of intimicy between lucius and harry so please post soon
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