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Reviews for Soapy Residue

By : quitedemented
  • From honeybVCU on October 26, 2010
    I have read this story twice and still roll-over laughing. Please continue to give us funny H/D and Remus/Sirius/Snape. Thanks.
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  • From Juana13 on March 21, 2009


    That chapter 6 was a real somethin...
    it made me laugh so hard i was practically writhing on the floor with laughter. *wipes tears*
    great job!
    i've read those mangas too. all of ur characters wer perfect : )
    now i'm off to read next chapter...... *skips away*
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  • From Juana13 on March 21, 2009
    ooooooh! i really loved this. made me laugh so much. and its so cute! i love fred and george! : ) are you continuing this? i hope you do! looking forward to it!!!!!!!!! ^.^
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  • From DestinyDragon on March 10, 2009
    I love this story!! Please update again soon.
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  • From Amouse on July 29, 2008
    I LOVE this story! It's very fun with a great plot. You have done very well. My only complaint are there are quite a few grammar mistakes that at some points makes reading a little difficult. These distracting point are few and far between, but there are a lot of mistakes. If you need a beta I would be more than willing to do it. Anyway, on with loving praise. I love this story because you've done a wonderful job developing the plot and creating some believable (and very HP-esque) situations. I love the whole Snape/Black/Lupin thing and all of the babies that are coming their way! You are a very creative writer and I cannot wait to read more! And feel free to let me know if you need a beta.
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  • From RRW on June 13, 2008
    Wow, this is one of best, well written stories I have had the pleasure of reading...can't wait for the next chapter...although I think that maybe Madame Pomphrey's potion came a little too late.
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 11, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 7!!!!
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  • From thrnbrooke on November 17, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 6!
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  • From LoverofallthingsPttR on October 21, 2007
    i just wanted to tell you how much i am enjoying this story. i try not to start reading WIP because, as is the case here, i end up getting hooked and really enjoying them and then become increasingly frustrated as they either take FOREVER to be finished or get left off just hanging there! :) hopefully that won't be the case this time... i'm really enjoying where you're heading and looking forward to more!

    if constructive criticism is wanted i don't have any as far as writing style or direction of the piece, but i did want to tell you that in several chapters you have repeatedly written 'trust' where you are meaning to put 'tHrust' and 'hansome' where i think you meant 'hanDsome'. i can't remember if you have a beta or not and this type of tiny mistake is so easy to have even if you are getting things checked over. if you DO need a beta i'd be happy to volunteer... i'm at if you already have one they are definitely up to par as those are the only tiny things that caught my attention... obviously it didn't detract from my ability to read your tale, but if you wanted to know there it is... and if you didn't want to know then forget this last paragraph and just remember that i greatly enjoyed the story so far! :)

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  • From mizzwhip72 on October 19, 2007
    It's about time that Snape realize that he's a handsome. The title is a little off, but the story is fine.
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  • From ebilangel on August 25, 2007
    It's great harry and draco finally together. and congrats to remus for the twins but i wan hoping the other sire for the twins would be snape. not just sirius ^^;;;
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  • From redneckmama236 on August 15, 2007
    I so love this story. Please update soon. Can't wait for the fireworks between Draco and Ron.
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  • From thrnbrooke on August 14, 2007
    Wonderful! I sooo need chapter 5!
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 13, 2007
    I must be like all knowing. Or maybe it was a dream, but I read that chapter before. It was like de'javu. Weird, eh? Well anyway I enjoyed it. And I'm going to go get my head checked, because I didn't realized it had taken you so long to update. Maybe because you took so long I finished the story in my head because those babies have been born and are now grown. J/K. But I really thought this chapter was already posted. Ta Ta for now.

    ~~Avid Remus/Sirius Shipper

    And just a mild fan of hot Sirius/Severus Sex!
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  • From chelleybelle on August 13, 2007
    Great story...I have just read all four of your chapters and I have very much enjoyed them. You are very creative and original...I agree with another review who said that Sirius should become pregnant by Snape. Snape needs a baby, and Sirius is the perfect carrier...I think that Ron needs to get laid and get a life...just my opinion though...he is always way to busy interfering in Harry's that he doesn't spend enough time in his own...
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