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Reviews for A Reckless Frame of Mind

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Anon on May 19, 2015
    Severus1snape here.

    Read it all.
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  • From Severus1snape on May 18, 2015
    Okay, so I just finished reading chapter 7.

    And I must say this; I have no bloody idea how you do this.

    You write funny stories, serious ones, sad ones, angst ones, romantic ones. Really, you have to be an author in real life? Yes??

    I would love to learn more about you as a person, maybe through email. Your mind exites me! I wan
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  • From Severus1snape on May 18, 2015
    So you know that I have started this insane path of reading ALL of your stories, and this was next.

    This sounds really interseting from what I have just read in chapter 1.

    Cannot wait to read the rest.

    Again, thank you for all of your stories, you are insanely talented!
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  • From KotoriSensei on December 30, 2012
    Poor Harry. Even if isn't a patological liar, he is psycological sick, he is under a heavy depresion, until the point that now, when he has an actual oportunity to escape from the curse, he can't accept it.
    Let see whag happens next, you left this chapter in a cliffhanger!
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  • From KotoriSensei on December 30, 2012
    Wow! So the misterious person who cast the Cassandra spell, atack againg? Or is someone totally diferent?
    And what is that spell that Draco hasn't tried yet? It sound...ominous....
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  • From KotoriSensei on December 30, 2012
    Oh that was so sad! For a minute i though something will actually happen, that Draco will see Hary's core, or that he will actually believe him, but...he didn't, and got angry, and now Harry is so sad (even if he himself doesn't want to admit it)
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  • From KotoriSensei on December 30, 2012
    OoO She almost kill him!
    Is because of he curse? Or just because...she is a crazy psyco? Could be....
    Draco is getting inside of Harry little by little....nice work.

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  • From KotoriSensei on December 30, 2012
    So, i started reading another of your fics...yes, i'm on vacations, and got nothing to do except read! Yes!!!!
    So far, very interesting. I'm like: OMG! Draco is starting to notice!....or maybe not....He is!....or maybe not yet....No kiddjng, he is!....or not...XD
    Is kind of funny/stresfull, the fact that Harry is so tired of the curse, that he doesn't want help, he just want to run away, even is that implies no human contact or friendships ever agaig...kind of sad too...
    Let read the next chapters!

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  • From ANON - Aynessa on November 16, 2010
    Hot damn. That's the first thing that popped into my head at the end of this story..."hot damn!" How is it that every single fic I read by you becomes *the* best HD fic I've ever read...until I read the next one by you? It's just not fair. I can't decide which fic I like best, and I've only read 4 or 5 out of the 150something you've written. Holy crap when will I find the time...

    I absolutely adore the Cassandra Curse you invented. I honestly found myself driving to work this morning thinking about how you could possibly get around a curse like that, when it influences absolutely everything around it. I couldn't come up with anything at the time, which made me all the more eager to find out how you'd work Draco around it. And it was utterly, fantastically brilliant. I'm sosososososo happy how you managed to keep Harry so close to the edge of breaking, of just shattering completely and ending it all, and then letting him drag up the strength he needed from the depths of his very existence. THAT is Harry in a nutshell, and you captured that so effortlessly....I'm just astounded by it. I loved how Harry reacted to any was so true. Did you know that a study was done on babies, where one group was held and spoken to gently, and the other group was spoken to and cared for, but never held? All the babies who weren't held died. Every last one. It's a horrific study, but what it reveals about human nature is so true and fascinating. That Harry could withstand an entire year of almost no contact, and then to see him yearn desperately like an addict for every touch his enemy bestows upon him....oh! It was just brilliant. I loved every second I spent reading this, and I can't wait to go devour the sequel.

    I promise I'm not stalking you. :D
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  • From ANON - Cookies on November 10, 2010
    Wonderful fic! Though I am still curious to what all the colors mean! XD But I can't wait too read the sequel!!!
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  • From ANON - yami bakura on September 23, 2010
    I don't know how long its been since I last read or reviewed this, but I've been rereading your work lately, and just had to mention that this remains one of the most original, intriguing, heart-wrenching and *beautiful* fanfics I've ever had the pleasure of reading. And even though I can't be buggered to tear myself away from your work long enough to actually log in, I'm still here all the same, reading and appreciating and crying over and just generally *loving* your writing.
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  • From MaskedLily on September 14, 2009
    Ok, so at first I wasnt entirely sure about this one, but once I started reading it I got hooked as usual. I cant evn believe that I had a moment of doubt about it. Absolutley fabulous and I will be reading the next one eagerly to see wat happens. Congrats and much love =)
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  • From ANON - Sara on August 13, 2008
    WOw end of comments
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  • From Diane on March 13, 2008
    Ooo another good story. I just about moved onto the sequel but I remembered at the last minute that I forgot to write a review for this one. I doubt I'll say anything that hasn't already been said, but here goes. You did an awesome job taking the effects the spell would have on Harry and twisting his dispair and loneliness until it's eaten away at him. Awesome in a "that's incredibly sad" way. It was also cool to watch Draco beat his head against the curse until he figured it out. That's the kinda shit that gets things done... and causes brain damage... Well anyway, there are a couple mediwitches I'd like to get my hands on, but I suppose this instance really isn't their fault. Still should have them investigated for other such behavior. Your descriptions of souls is really amazing. I saw you made a comment to someone else about how much work you put into it. The work really paid off. Okay, now on to the sequel! Yay!
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  • From ANON - evalhanne on January 14, 2008
    Wonderful story . . . I had actually clicked the sequal first but then read that I should read this one first, so I did and was not disappointed. I just finished the sequal and shall squeal my joy in that review as well.
    Absolutely amazing how you make this story come so alive.
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