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Reviews for I Give You a Wondrous Mirror

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Amiyom on October 12, 2007
    CLIFFHANGER! Argh! I can't even tell you how wonderful that chapter was because I am so upset by that cliffie! ;-)
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 12, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 28! I'm very worried! No dreams and very little contact. If I didn't know better I'd swear Ginny was behind this!
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  • From SickPuppy on October 12, 2007
    Ch 26 -I've just joined this story, and have been steadily reading it for a few nights to get through it all. I am just amazed at it - it's brilliantly constructed, well written, enjoyable, heart rending, and fluff, all at the same time! Kudos! Sick Puppy

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 11, 2007
    I really pity Harry sometimes. He is a perfect representation of a matyr. Always think of others never himself. I think his friends have forgotten that along the way and tend to expect him to take care of them or think of their needs first. Same with Ginny. I won't put his kids in that catagory because their kids. Their supposed to depend on him.

    I do love Draco in this story because he looks out for Harry and wants him to be happy.

    I kinda feel bad for Ginny though. I mean I can understand how she takes this so hard. He's her first love. Her white knight. Her prince. Her husband. The father to her children. It's not easy giving someone like that up. It hurts. A lot.

    I love Draco's present to Harry. It is so sweet. I wonder what her name'll be?

    I hope you put another play date for Scorpius and Al together again. Al needs a Malfoy for a friend to help him stand up to James. I sometimes don't like James. He's so mean to his little brother. But hey he's a kid. They can be real brats sometimes.

    I wonder what the next confrontation between Harry and the others against The Masked Lady will be.

    Well hope you update soon. Ja ne ^_____^
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  • From ANON - Myra on October 10, 2007
    Wowwwiie! I LOVED this chapter soo much. I CAN admit that I was feeling, just a TINY bit sorry for Ginny. But that's just me being the human I am, hehe. But anyways, what's more important is Harry. Harry and his happiness, which is Draco, of course. Lol. I was glad that Harry was honest and told Ginny the truth. She deserved to know at least the truth, I guess, she is still Harry's wife, afterall (however it pains me to say that). And I loved that Harry and Teddy moment. Sooo cute AND sweet. I could just imagine how important Harry is to Teddy, and Teddy to Harry. Teddy is in a way, just like Harry (although more fortunate, which is good). Parents died in a war. Finding comfort and love in his Godfather like Harry found in Sirius. And Al was so sweet *melts* lol. My favourite part in this chapter was of course, the gift part. Trust Draco to do something so meaningful to Harry. I just wub the whole Guardian Angel idea. And it sounds so perfect, I'm starting to miss Hedwig. Hehe, and I was soooo happy that Draco finally understands what his feelings were for Harry. Harry deserved that love. And glad that he told Harry as soon as he did. Harry needn't suffer not knowing, he'd too much sufferings already. And it made Harry SOO happy. Yay! Vote for Harry's RIGHT to find happiness! Lol! XD Lovely chapter, thank you!

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  • From graballz on October 10, 2007
    I LOVE YOU!!! I can't wait for the next chapter of this story! It's SOOOOO good that I just can't stand it! You don't understand how I cried after reading George's chapter...and then Draco KNOWING and being there for Harry!!! That was SOOOO GOOD!

    That was so good, I almost couldn't stand it!!! I was jumping all over the house and crying (good thing I was home alone) and screaming about how much I loved this fic!!!

    And then with Draco realizing HOW selfless Harry has been and making him promise to make himself happy....*squeal* CanNOT wait to see what else! Surely Draco will find a way out of the marriage vows! I suddenly realized that this story is "epilogue compliant" so I'm guessing that, tragically, Harry will stay married to Ginny???

    NOOOOOO!!!! Please please please! Harry and Draco!!! *whimper* If this is a tragic ending (meaning that Harry and Ginny end up together)...I don't know what I'll do! Cry, probably! Then, of course, you'll have to write one that begins AFTER the epilogue in which Draco miraculously discovers the way to break the marriage vows (or kills that point, I think I'd be amenable to that) and THEN Harry and Draco end up together after the epilogue.

    Argh. Well, no matter the ending, I still LOVE this story with all of my heart! This has definitely been added to my list of fav stories. It's right up there with "Redeem Me" (by Samayel) and "Memoirs of a Serpent's Son" (by Daft Fear) as super-awesomely-written!
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  • From Christabell on October 09, 2007
    This story... is utterly fantastic. Every twist and turn you add fits perfectly, and you capture the emotions of the characters so well. I always am, however, disappointed to find only one new chapter :)
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  • From SuishouTenshi on October 09, 2007
    While I love your other long stories, I couldn't help but find this one perturbing. I guess it's largely because I cannot sympathize with the leading male characters - Draco and Harry. Everything leading up to this point seem like fate written in stone, that no matter what happened or what they did, the existence of those life debts ensured their "love".

    Where does Ginny stand then? While I cannot stand her in canon (still don't understand how Harry's feelings for her made any sense), I feel like she's the victim here. If she's done anything wrong, it's only because she's human. Is she simply doomed to have a failed marriage? It seems hardly fair to her.

    Maybe I'm weird for actually feeling sorry for Ginny, but I just can't get that idea of her helplessness out of my head. If Draco/Harry is the image of the perfect romance, and Harry/Ginny is the depiction of real domestic life, then this story makes me feel like realism can never win over idealism.

    Hope I make some sense. This is more of a introspective lamentation than a critique of your art, so please don't be offended. If anything, I applaud you for being the first Harry/Draco writer that made me feel bad for Ginny.
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on October 09, 2007

    That was so sweet.

    So, you gonna kill Ginny to break the marriage vows? *GRIN*
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  • From ANON - Sol on October 09, 2007
    I like this chapter very much! funny how Harry finds himself happy and content only after Draco asking/telling him to!
    will we see more bitchyGinny? I'm just wondering if you're giving us EVEN MORE reasons to dislike her...not that it's a bad thing, it's fun to see someone torn to shreds....
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 09, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 27! There has to be a way to break those marriage vows!!!
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  • From SoriaUndead on October 07, 2007
    That's fuckin' terrible! Draco better find a way around those life debts... or Ginny could die... I'd be fine with that ^_^
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 07, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 26! There has to be a way out of those marriage vows! And I'm almost positive Ginny had them take them for a reason. Wonder if subconsciously she knew.
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  • From ANON - Feeling Good on October 06, 2007
    100,000 points to Draco for smart moves, waves of consideration, and his own realization of Harry's current situation. However, I am somewhat bewildered that Draco is unsure as to whether or not he is in love with Harry. Really.

    100,000 points from Hermione for being a bother and well aimed kick in the pants cause I've always wanted to.

    And a box of tissues for me becuase of your last line:

    "Harry stood quite still for a moment, then began to shift the weight of his commitments again, carefully, because he had to do it alone."


    :) Great chapter! Loved their first kiss--a thrilling explosion. Harry's love confession kinda went over well and it has opened a new door. I am so glad Draco is going to help Harry help himself. I just wonder if anyone else will realize that Harry working towards his own happiness is a good thing. This chapter covered so much of what I have wanted to hear from Draco and Harry. It will be a while before I stop similing.

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  • From ANON - Boo too late but on October 06, 2007
    I would fall behind in my reading just as things were getting very hot under the cauldron. Dern it.

    Chapter 24 :)

    This chapter's start was very touching. Harry wanting to protect Lily from pain was sweet. Though when Harry finally finds the time to allow himself some tears he may find it hard to stop for some time.

    Ooooh. So very glad Harry shut Hermione down. They could use all the help they can get but just because of some personal junk that had nothing to do with Dragons attacking Hogwarts and help needed, she wanted to leave Draco out. Nutty.

    O_o "And what about mine?"--Harry. -Wow. Finally some necessary questions.

    This chapter had some great written action. The Masked Lady has become a force to be reckoned with. Riding dragons, winning a duel against Harry, she is one scarey lady. More so for the reason she is doing all this. She wants revenge? On who Harry, Draco, World and/or all the above?
    I just loved reading the battle with the dragons. Following everything was a bit strange but kind of like being caught up in the air with them all. That dern Masked Lady being all mysterious. She is driving me crazy.

    Harry's revelation at the end was very nice to hear. A step in the right though very trecherous direction. It really is too bad that falling in love has to be so dern painful for Harry. (and everyone else around hime, too) One day he find peace hopefully.

    I totally get his grief particularly where his children are concerned. I feel torn myself.

    Ak! The world teeters on a word.

    I really enjoy reading Draco's Harry-reading. It so nice to know that someone gets Harry. And I would love to see Harry Draco-reading. I wonder if Draco would be at first a bit surprised.

    Must move to read next chapter. I hope I can handle so much great reading in one day. ^_^
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