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Reviews for I Give You a Wondrous Mirror

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Mephistedes on October 06, 2007
    I love you. Really. I love this story. Terribly. Draco hits Harry's plight right on the head, and your writing just nails the characters down as they are in the books (if only!). And right now, I seriously want to break Hermione's other arm (she's pissing me off nine ways from Sunday and more than Ginny...back off, bushy!). Can't wait for the next angst-filled installment!
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  • From rAiNwAtEr on October 06, 2007
    As always, great chapter. I am really starting to dislike Hermione. She is becomming the new Voldemort. I know she means well and is trying to save Harry from a big mistake. However, she also needs to realize that Harry is not a little boy any more and does not need his life dictated by anyone else. As a man, Harry has the right to make his own mistakes and choices. As a friend, Hermione should know where the bounds for friendly advice ends. I can only hope that Draco sets her striaght!
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on October 06, 2007
    A dramatic plot shift. Draco's life-dept fullfillment to almost cruel--but only because Harry is so disfunctional! Awesome chapter! Now Draco need to get Harry out of those marriage vows! Can't wait to see more!
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on October 06, 2007
    A dramatic plot shift. Draco's life-dept fullfillment to almost cruel--but only because Harry is so disfunctional! Awesome chapter! Now Draco need to get Harry out of those marriage vows! Can't wait to see more!
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  • From ANON - Myra on October 05, 2007
    Hahaha. You have no idea how addicted I am to ALL your stories. I look forward to new chapters every day, and my mom kept on reminding me every day these past two weeks that I'm having my finals (next week, too), LOL! So, as usual, every time I review I start with an OH MY GOD! XD. That chapter made me sad, really. I felt like hugging Harry tight. He was in one of the most critical situation ever. I understand why Hermione was so angry at him, partly because he was cheating on Ginny, and partly cause Harry cared about Draco almost more than anything now. But somehow along the Hermione-Harry part in the chapter, I couldn't help but think, Hermione didn't really listen to Harry and Draco's conversation. Yes, she did hear. But maybe she just couldn't look past the revelation that Harry was cheating on Ginny. Cause if she DID listen, she would have realized that Harry was trying all with his might to make everyone around him happy, including herself. And if she really DID listen, maybe, just maybe she would be able to understand why Harry's in love with Draco. Cause Draco saw right through Harry. He was the ONLY one. How could Harry not fall for Draco? It's like there's no walls between them, sure, Harry did put on his defensive walls at times, but in the end it always disappear, when Draco's there. Maybe Hermione needs some time to sort things, but I believe Hermione WILL come to Harry's side. Hermione afterall, is still one of Harry's oldest friend. I really hope she will. But I guess it's okay for me to feel angry at her now, right? Cuz she (albeit unintentionally) DID hurt Harry. Put him in a tough situation (that's an understatement). Poor Harry T__T But anyways, Draco, as usual, did not disappoint me (and he never will). I was so glad that he had asked Harry that. For now, I think Harry NEEDS to start fighting for his happiness. That's the only thing he needs now, more than anything. It had been too long that he tried to make EVERYONE ELSE happy, but not himself. Draco was just awesome. Again, he saw what other people just wouldn't, cause they never tried. Draco had always been the only one who would REALLY look at Harry and see. Hmm, I wonder what will happen in the next chapter. Ginny-Harry conversation maybe? I shudder. All the best to Harry, really. Oh, and I soo miss Al, James and Lily. At least he'd still have his children on his side, besides Draco. Hehe. Stunning chapter, I wub you!
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  • From ANON - darquiel on October 03, 2007
    Wow, a fabulous chapter!!!
    But really... *sigh* What the hell!!! Someone should buy Harry a T-Shirt with "Denial is NOT a river in Egypt!".
    Let's see how long he can convince himself of this selfless saintly path!! And let's see how long Draco can keep his cool around that... especially after Harry'll tell him that he loves him! .... *silent* But poor Ginny, what will that bring to her family and herself.
    Hope you will upadte soon!
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  • From ANON - Myra on October 03, 2007
    He was a git for choosing to keep all the burdens to himself, that's what I meant, hehe. I was soooo extremely happy when I saw there's a new chapter. XD.. I actually savored this one by reading it in an ultra slow motion. XD That was UBER AWESOME. I loved it soooooooooo much. I was happy that Harry brought Draco along to fight beside him, and even went against Hermione too! Really showed that Draco had already became one of the most important people in his life. And the brief touching moment between Draco and Narcissa was sweet. It's light, but sweet nonetheless. The part when Harry unconsciously (so Harry!) leaning to Draco was cute. And then there was the Dragon part. I'm still in awe. Harry was seriously close to dying. If it wasn't for Draco.. dear god. They really DO need each other, it's like a fact now. And more life-debts! It just keeps on multiplying, Harry is obviously fighting a losing battle here. But then again there's still his Marriage Vow to consider. Can't wait for more Harry and Draco moments! (Can you really blame me? Hehe).. ET MON DIEU! I was almost, uhm, I don't know.. hysterical when Harry finally accepted the revelation. But yet again, he's going to do something silly. I'm refering to this: "And at the same time, he could show Draco why a sexual relationship between them could never work, why this really changed nothing." Oh well. We'll just have to wait. This chapter is super cool :)
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on October 02, 2007
    WOW. Very nice chapter. I can't wait until Harry has his "talk" with Draco!! More soon, please!
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 02, 2007
    Soooo need chapter 25! Harry knows who she is? He thought she was dead? He's going to tell Draco he loves him but they can't be together? How does his marriage vows work around this?
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  • From ANON - Chris on September 30, 2007
    WOW... just, WOW. I must admit tears being shed on this chapter... excellent is all I can say.
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  • From spaghetti on September 30, 2007
    egads it's morning already, i read this all through the night, such a bad person.
    cried when George died (never cry for minor characters) but i'm gonna blame it on a need for sleep ... *nods convincingly

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  • From ANON - Amiyom on September 30, 2007
    That was such a sad chapter!
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  • From spaghetti on September 30, 2007
    If he was ever tempted, he only had to remind himself how much Ginny and the children would be hurt by his straying. That was enough to keep his dick firmly in his pants. {-- ah Harry, so noble ... So. Bloody. STUPID!
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 30, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 24! Glad Draco is watching his back!
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  • From spaghetti on September 30, 2007
    hoho i meant to review at the end of the first chapter, but i had to read the second one and then the next and the next and now i'm on 11 and its 2:30! BEST FIC IN AGES! (first post-DH H/D fic!)
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