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Reviews for I Give You a Wondrous Mirror

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From rAiNwAtEr on September 12, 2007
    How you are able to produce one interesting chapter after another is amazing. With each chapter I am reminded as to why I love this story so much. With this chapter, I have fallen in love with Draco all over. I love the fact that he embraces his human flaws and does not excuse them, but partially embraces them and excepts the fact that no one, including himself, is perfect.

    Please update again soon,

    ~ rAiNwAtEr ~
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  • From daynajones on September 11, 2007
    I read the first chapter of this and then somehow lost it in the shuffle. Today was my day off and I completely blame you for my lack of anything to show for my day, I have a pile of laundry, a dirty house, all I could do was sit and read this-now have to explain this to hubby, who is pretty understanding all in all. He doesn't complain too much having reaped the benefits of obsessive slash reading *wink,wink*. I really love your writing style, I think what you do best is the pacing of your plot, it flows along at just the right speed. Then to top it off during all this perfect story telling, you slip in such in depth character development it just blows my mind. Also, it is a pleasure to read a fic that isn't full of typos and mistakes. It is an indication to me as a reader that an author isn't serious about their work if they won't even take time to run spell check, let alone have someone beta for them. You are bookmarked now and I won't lose it again!
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  • From Angelsfear on September 11, 2007
    Ahh I'd fallen so far behind but I'm caught up now! That bit in the box was so powerful! I wanted to cry and scream and thrash and I dunno... just be calm all at once. It was so full of intimacy and just to see Draco's instinctual reactions, him reverting back to his fear and letting it take over... watching Harry bring him back and calm him down was so intense!

    And then the last chapter in St Mungo's was a fantastic follow-up... I love Draco's reaction to it and Harry's decision. I was so happy with the way he addressed everything, from Ginny's 'insanity' to being open with everyone and refusing to let others urge him into acting a certain way. I'm so excited for both of them and I can't wait to find out more!
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  • From ANON - Vroom vroom on September 11, 2007
    Oh! More, aside from the Harry and Draco, Harry and Ginny relationships I hope to see some interaction or just reactions from / between Draco and others like Hermione, Ron, Scorpious, Albus, James, and so on.

    Also you are doing a great job at keeping mystery on the Salazar group. Even though they seem kind of bumbling as villains oft are, they are somewhat effective evily and basically well written. That is to say they don't distract from any other plots or characteristics of the story only add to it.

    And if I haven't gushed enough, (not that I intend to but when a compliment is due...) I really liked Harry's kiss flash back. That is just one out of many examples of how you write seduction and a gradual sensuality into this fiction really really well. Personally I am impressed. Really. Cause rather than everything being saved for later or just one whole chapter of lust, your writing is a great example of how to build towards a great romance out of a difficult past/beginning. And the overall effect shows how to create romantic suspense and anticipation a key feature in a truly romantic experience.

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  • From ANON - Revved on September 11, 2007
    This chapter like many chapters before has set up great anticipation for all that is to come. This chapter (16) even more so because of the GREAT BIG turning point that Harry and Draco reached and realised they reached in chapters 15/16.

    I am so revved up and falling in love with this story all over again. Though there is angst is doesn't make me depressed or horrified, but elated, curious, compasionate, and excited and not in a deviant way. There are not many fics or authors that write such inspiration. Most go for the shallow rape to try (and fail continuously) to wrench something from their audience, and I always enjoy and search those fics that try and build a slash M/M or other fan fiction upon in my opinion the true character of JKR's writing and cannon elements of the HP series.

    Also, I usually dislike psychology and therapy in HP fiction cause I feel it detracts from Harry and Draco (or whoever the other partner is) discovery of one another and from the readers being able to discover it with them, BUT I am really looking forward to whatever happens in your fiction's therapy. Seriously anticipating it all. The ideal of Harry trying to sort out whether he is bi or just hot for Draco, or whatever in therapy sounds highly entertaining and definately worth reading. Not to mention the conversations (however awkward) Harry has with Ginny afterward.

    Ooh, will Ginny go with Harry to at least one session? That would be hilarious. (sorry I am looking forward to her demise...although even now is too early for me to assume such a happening...I have hope)

    Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Myra on September 11, 2007
    Chapter 16 - Yay! I'm sooo satisfied with this chapter. Even Draco was surprised with the way Harry acted and especially seeing how determined he was to keep the decisions he made while in the box with Draco. I'm somehow sure that soon Hermione, hell maybe even Ron would come to be on Harry's side and just believe in the path Harry had chosen and will come to choose in the future. And lol, it's good that even Draco realized how Ginny was being ridiculous by insisting Harry to take a therapy. I wouldn't expect any less from a Malfoy xD! Good chapter! You have no idea how those three chapters (14-16) of yours made my day today. Especially after not being able to read them in what seemed like ages x.x! Take care, and have a nice day! ;)
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  • From ANON - Myra on September 11, 2007
    Oh my god. I still have tears in my eyes now, damnit! Chapter 15 was extremely sad. THE BEST chapter so far. Jeez, that was excellent. Harry was soooo... *insert some alienese language here*. I fell in love with (your) Harry all over again. He's definitely the right one for Draco, as Draco for him. He was so gentle when handling a traumatized Draco, and just oh goddddddds. I love Harry!! And I felt sooo sorry for Draco. I've always loathed Bellatrix. Draco's memory really stirred my hatred towards her. So bloody evil, that she was. I'm glad she's dead, hell, she should be glad she's dead for I know if she was still alive, Harry would bloody skin her dead. GAH! Thank god Hermione came to the rescue at last! Those people who kidnapped them, they were soooo low. Mmm, now that Harry's given Draco a part of him, I wonder what will happen next! Excellent work!
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  • From ANON - Myra on September 11, 2007
    OMG that stupid woman! POOR Dracooooo! Thank god she didn't know Harry as much as she thought she did. Sorry for the late review, my computer was hacked and filled with virus >.
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  • From SoriaUndead on September 11, 2007
    Sweet! Awesome! On to the next chapter! ^_^
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 11, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 17!
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  • From ANON - Sol on September 11, 2007
    I don't know how you do it, but every story of yours is getting better than the other, which should be impossible! I dread the day three years from now, dying from happiness: "It was a HD-syndrome. Nothing could be done, we're sorry." Yeah, that's the way I'd like to die!

    But seriously, the plots GREAT, the way you depict Harry and Draco, like you said yourself, 'explaining' their faults so that it's still realistic - that's something I get more more tired of in many stories as they simply ignore the fact that Draco has been a stupid child(which isn't entirely his fault), we rarely see him growing up to his full potential..

    hmm, well anyway, please give up chapter 17 before the weekend!!!*hugs'n kisses*
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on September 10, 2007
    Ohhhh... I love Draco when he's on the hunt! I can't wait to see Harry's transition from Ginny to Draco! The connection between them now is interesting-- especially how they both just know that the connection exists. Great chapter!
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  • From CrookShanks on September 10, 2007
    Nicely Done!! I have been reading as you send me updates, but I have been rather lazy lately and remiss in reviewing,, I apologize. A very intersting read, almost like parallel universes going on at the same time, allowing them to view "the other life" in a mirror. Kudos!
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 09, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 16! They're saved but what happens next?
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on September 08, 2007
    Incredible chapter. I can't wait to see the aftermath of that!
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