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Reviews for Indelible

By : AislingSiobhan
  • From TiffanyAK on August 10, 2008
    This was a good alternate version of the end of book six. Voldemort's really cool in this, though he can't beat Snape. I can just picture Snape casually sitting there sipping his drink when Voldemort walks in. It's brilliant. Also, thanks for answering the question about Hermione. I look forward to seeing how this story ends. Cheers!
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  • From on August 08, 2008
    Im so glad this is continuing...absolutely love this addicting fic of yours.
    And the Voldie & Harry - LOVE IT!!!
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  • From voldemortsgrl on August 04, 2008
    I love this story so far. Please update as soon as possible! I love the S.O.B joke...that was great.
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  • From ANON - Peggotty on August 04, 2008
    Raeneeeeef !!! :D ...I agree he is sooo cute when is trying to look intimidating :D ....and to this chapter...I like this story and this chapter was wonderful... keep going ;)
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  • From voldemortsgrl on August 03, 2008
    More please. I've really enjoyed this story so far. I was a bit sad when Tom died, though I knew something like that would have to happen since it is a Harry/Voldemort and not a Harry/Tom. I really like how Harry snapped at the werewolves and vampires for fighting. I'm glad he is finally in love with Voldemort. I loved the scene where Harry climbed into bed with Voldemort and told him good night. That was really cute. I think Sirius is very funny in this, though I feel slightly bad for him since he fainted. Oh well, there isn't much you can do about him. I like how you had Fenrir talk Harry into moving on, and how he teases Harry and in return, Harry teases Voldemort. I hope Remus and Fenrir call a truce so Harry and be happy around both of them and they would get along as well. I know that they act like it for Harry, but I mean really put aside their differences. Well, I cannot wait for the next chapter. I think if you made Dumbledore's dream (or nightmare) come true, that would be funny. Though I know that Nagini is dead. Well, please update as soon as possible. I await the next chapter with bated breath.

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  • From TiffanyAK on August 03, 2008
    Aww, Harry and Voldemort are so sweet. Good thing they're not disrupting exams, Hermione would murder them with her bare hands. As it is, how will she react to the muggleborn interrogations and all? Great job. I look forward to more. Cheers!
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  • From ANON - m on July 31, 2008
    there is to much humour so the characters are OOC
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  • From MrGalion on July 25, 2008
    Very Promising.
    I loved it when people thought he was insane b/c of Tom.
    I saw his death coming, but it hurt a lot more then I thought it would.
    Congratulations on the emotion in there you did a wonderful job.
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  • From TiffanyAK on July 25, 2008
    Geesh, Harry can be intimidating. He made everyone but Voldemort flinch. I'm glad he's returning to his old self, and giving Voldemort a chance. Cheers!
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  • From on July 24, 2008
    As always... a wonderful chapter & I seriously cant get enough of this fic.
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  • From TiffanyAK on July 22, 2008
    Oh, and Voldemort's trying so hard too. Great chapter. I hope Harry gets better, and gives Voldemort a chance.
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  • From TiffanyAK on June 30, 2008
    Wow, really fast update. And a good one. When do Voldemort and Harry get together? When will Dumbledore die? Will Hermione stay loyal to Harry? What about Snape? Who's he loyal to? Thanks for a great update, it made me want to cry for Harry. I hope you'll update again as soon as you can. Cheers!
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  • From KagetsuAsame on June 29, 2008
    Wonderful! I can't wait for more!
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  • From TiffanyAK on June 29, 2008
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! TOM! AH! How could you? I mean, I know it's Voldemort/Harry but still. Alright, that's it, you need to sit and write 'I will NOT kill off Tom Riddle EVER again under ANY circumstances whatsoever.' ten thousand times before I'll consider forgiving you. Or not, but Tom is one of my favorite HP characters, so I can't help but be a bit upset.

    On the other hand, I wonder how Dumbledore feels about discovering that Harry is not only alive, but knows Dumbledore broke his wand and is also fully aware of everything else that Dumbledore's done (and will soon realize that he basically meant to kill Harry)? He's probably stupid enough to think that he can still win Harry back to kill Voldemort since he freed him of the 'evil' Tom and all. As far as ways to kill Dumbledore go, he likes the muggle world, so how does dunking him in a vat of acid sound? I know I'm vicious, but he killed Tom, he has to pay. Painfully.

    Also, WHY on Earth did McGonagall allow this? Is she so firmly of the belief that Dumbledore can do no wrong that she didn't even think to QUESTION him killing Harry in order to destroy the Horcruxes? If so, she should die in the end as well. I mean, she's supposed to be responsible for her student's welfare, including Harry. I do love Hermione though, she's such a loyal friend.

    I hope you have a great trip, and that you update soon after getting back home. I'm really looking forward to Voldemort actually declaring out loud that he loves someone. But, did you really have to even mention that Dorian drops out of Hogwarts in the next chapter? I mean, what else was going to happen, him walking into the Great Hall and saying "Oh, hello Headmaster, I know you just kidnapped me and tried to kill me and all, but I figured I should stick around anyway." Yeah, somehow I doubt it. The image is hilarious though.

    Thanks for a great update, I eagerly look forward to the next one. Please post a new chapter as soon as you can.

    Also, don't forget, dunking Dumbledore in acid is an awesome killing method.
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  • From ANON - NS on June 27, 2008
    I can't tell, but I think I cried when Tom died...more for Harry than for him though...
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