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Reviews for WORD of WISDOM - Not!

By : ZooArmy
  • From ANON - SP777 on December 01, 2007
    I don't know about YOU, but this shit was FUNNY!!! :-D

    I would have beat Draco to unconciousness within at LEAST 2 hrs of CONSTANTLY saying that word. :-)

    Where are these challenges at??? I never go to the main Harry Potter page, maybe I should to look for a link.
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  • From MisstressNicole on August 06, 2007
    I say you keep it up. I think it's good. Very well written accept for the minor errors, but ofcourse you told us it wasn't beta'd. And you chose a word that when repeated continuously would try the patiences of a saint. Hell if you used it twice in the same breathe around me I'd get annoyed. What I don't think I understood was why Harry was so disguisted with the term in the first place, the beginning is what I mean. I get why the word bothers him when Draco uses it redondantly. What I got out of it was that Draco purposely used the word to annoy the shit out of Harry. I mean the evil smirks the giggles. It's like it was a game for the blond, annoy Harry and win a prize.

    I say keep it up, if you don't I really don't care. I've already save the story to my computer. Ha! LOL, But really I think you did a wonderful job, especially with making Draco forget to annoy the hell out of Harry leading up to Harry, shutting him up properly.

    ~~Avid Harry/Draco Shipper -Nicole

    PS No story is a bad story when it involves Harry and Draco!
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  • From ANON - I Believe In Mary Worth on August 04, 2007
    Fluffer, fluffer, fluffer...I love it, poor Harry! :-P

    I love Draco's personality in this story, I always thought he'd be a bit mental underneath the pureblood

    Hmm, I think you should write a prequel for it though, with some rubber-ducky action. Just think of how Harry could shut Draco up in a bathtub, yummy.

    Amz x
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  • From graballz on August 02, 2007
    Awwww, I thought this was good. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it made me giggle more than once. Although, I have to agree with Harry that if Draco is just going around constantly saying "Fluffer"...that IS super annoying. But I definitely like the "better use" of Draco's mouth.

    Not only had I never heard of this word before (other than, like, "fluffy bunny" which is totally not the same thing) I learned something new about porn that I had never known before. Especially the part about the fluffer.

    Kudos to you! I enjoyed it. I hope that you can figure out what you don't like about it and fix it to make it better, but I think this deserves to be beta'd. I was really curious as to what the "word" was that Draco learned, since there are so many good ones to choose, and I was really laughing at his previous word of "rubber-ducky".
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  • From DracoHarry on August 02, 2007
    I don't know why you don't like this. I for one thought that it was really good. I even laughed. Keep up the great work.
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  • From Annie on August 01, 2007
    This was cute! No need to beat yourself up for this. I really liked it.


    hehe :]
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  • From ANON - inuyasha_freak02 on August 01, 2007
    Lmao I loved it ^_^
    Fluffer is now my new favorite word!
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  • From bananasforyou on August 01, 2007
    wtf i LOVED it and thought it was the best!!!!!!:))))
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  • From Heksy on August 01, 2007
    Zoo, what happened?
    This is not written in your 'normal' way.
    Were you off or something?
    I am used to your brilliant fics and biting sarcasm.
    Your general brilliance always leaves me guffawing.
    And now you wrote...well, boring really.
    It's not bad, mind you.
    But it certainly isn't written in your standard high quality.
    Oh well, can't win them all huh?
    And what am I bitching about anyway...I would love to be able to write in your league...
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  • From ANON - pittwitch on August 01, 2007
    Fluffy fluff! Funny, and I think I learned something I'd rather not have known as well, sympathy for poor Harry there.
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