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Reviews for Forbidden Fruit

By : nvywf2005
  • From gabby1234 on November 26, 2007
    no no no more chapters please that chapter was so sad it made my heart plummet i need more happy fluff chapters
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  • From bananasforyou on November 25, 2007
    i loved it but i hate that whore parkinson.
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  • From myangeldraco on November 24, 2007
    god I hate Pansy, Hermione seems very leniant with Draco I know for a fact if my husband told me it was sometimes hard for him to turn down his exgirlfriend or implied in anyway that he still had some sort of feelings, sexual urges etc. towards her he'd be standing in front of me with a gob full of loose teeth!! how can Draco love Hermione as much as he says and still have the urges for Pansy I know he's young but your ex is so-named that way for a reason because she's over and done with - not wanted no more other wise they'd still be together!! that just annoyed me other than that an excellent chapter please don't make Pansy's head swell again with her thinking Draco wants her she's done with now let her be dust she's a bitch end-of!
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  • From myangeldraco on August 31, 2007
    I absolutely loved the latest 2 chapter's. I love how Draco feel's for Hermione, I hope they don't fall out and if they do it is extremley short term!!!! hope to read another update soon Ang xx
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  • From Speir on August 28, 2007
    i love this fic its great reading a fic where you show the softer side of draco hes my favorite character. so thanks for this and please update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Sonny on August 07, 2007
    How soon is soon? I'll be waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.

    I looove it!
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  • From ANON - Nawdz on August 07, 2007
    Yah, I kinda realized that too. The story's going fantastic.

    For the 4th chapter, you did it again. It made me think about it a lot.
    I like it.
    And I have question again for Chapter 4, about Hermione. Am I thinking right on what your story's going?
    Well, I have to wait for the next chapters to come..
    To know my answer, right? :]

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  • From ANON - Chrissy on August 06, 2007
    One word: Hooked.

    You know, even though your chapters a super long. I can't seem to get enough of it and start to be excited for the next chapters after reading. I hope you get to update and type the next chapters soon. :]

    I really can't wait. *_*
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  • From ANON - **fr on August 06, 2007
    The story was very interesting. I can't wait for the next chappies. :)

    Gasp. I wonder what are they planning for Hermione?!
    Update as soon as you can. kay? :)
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  • From myangeldraco on August 06, 2007
    I really like this story with the way you have added bit's from the previous book, and Draco's feeling's towards Hermione and vice versa. Hope you update soon!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Hey on August 05, 2007
    i like it, though, with the way its been in book 6, hell, throughout all the books, harry and ron gave in a bit too soon for my liking, but thats just me, anyway, plz continue
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  • From LiaTrent on August 05, 2007
    I really like this!
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  • From Verie on August 02, 2007
    Its a good alternate for HBP. Its a good story. It was sweet and cute for the couple. As for their surroundings, yep, they do have to deal with it (And that's just on Draco's part).
    I like it that as if they have this own world.
    I like it.

    I'm actually worried about Draco, lowering his self, of not worthy of love. Its a bit un-draco-ish. Can't blame him though.
    But that's what Fan Fictions are for right? :]

    I'm also glad that you update in a speedy way. 2 chaps in one seating. I'm pretty impressed.
    Hope you'll update the next soon. :]
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