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Reviews for Protecting Ginny

By : nvywf2005
  • From Pegleg-TinStar on February 05, 2021

    Well written, but an angst fest with no pay-off!  You get to the dancing and the song lyrics, and the story just DIES!  A horrible and painful death, at that. Harry deserves to resolve his relationship with Ginny, Ginny deserves to resolve her relationship with Harry, and the readers deserve to have the primary conflict in this story line resolved, too.  There is a term in writing, denouement, from the French, that translates as ‘the unraveling’, that refers to tying up all the storylines.  This piece has just one: Harry’s problematic relationship with Ginny.  The reasons for the difficulties and the fact that they clearly still love each other are explored endlessly, but the author fails to bring her readers to a conclusion.  The storylines are still tangled, and it is highly unsatisfactory to read through 7 chapters that really don’t go anywhere.

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  • From ANON - anon on December 30, 2007
    Amazing story. Great work here. There were some minor issues I had with it, but that's just me. It's nothing major.
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  • From Muggleman on August 04, 2007
    I like this story keep up the good work update soon
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