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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From ANON - leentjef on July 04, 2008
    this was very good chapter
    i really liked it keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From Leentjef on July 03, 2008
    this was very good chapter keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From DefiantThrallXxX on June 28, 2008
    OMG! More pweese, pwetty pwetty pweaseeee? I'll give you cookies, I'll be your beta.. I'll do anything!!! Anazing story
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  • From ANON - Solomon on June 24, 2008
    I LOVE THIS STORY PLEASE PLEASE send me the link for the rest of this story I went to your Yahoo could not find the rest of this story I HAVE TO HAVE THE REST OF THIS STORY
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  • From ANON - Solomon on June 22, 2008
    O K Who saw that coming? You are so snekey I was happy that there was going to be fresh meat for Harry I was HaPPY BECAUSE IT WAS NOT GOING TO BE THE SAME HARRY DRACo
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  • From ANON - Solomon on June 22, 2008
    I am at chapter 2 and I JUST LOVE IT, I JUST LOVE IT .IT is different and I am glad that Snape has a son I hope he eats Harry up I think that they will be equal LOVE IT LOVE IT JUST LOVE IT.
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  • From ANON - sp on June 12, 2008
    Just finished your story. I am soooooooooooo in trouble now as I have not done anything except for reading all morning. Continue soon AND Hurry please
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  • From Leentjef on May 25, 2008
    very very good chapter keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - qwerty on May 23, 2008
    Lovely chapter.
    Draco is so cute at the end.
    I love this story!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on May 13, 2008
    I absolutely love this story. It's very interesting with all the twists and turns the plot takes. It's well-written.
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  • From Leentjef on May 12, 2008
    this was very very good couple of chapters
    keep going and post soon and i hope everything will be alright for your friends kid
    bye bye
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  • From WarpedMinded on May 02, 2008
    Yay. Can't wait for more! I am so happy. I love the story so far.
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  • From ANON - Ann on May 01, 2008
    Interesting chapter. I do believe you have just made Dumbledore more dangerous than Voldermort. I am looking forward to Harry and Noir's joining. I hope your friends son gets better.
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  • From NessaC on May 01, 2008
    Whaaaaat??!! OMG! And you dare leave us with such a cliffie!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!

    I'm sorry to hear the bad news, and I hope everything turns out for the best for your friend's son.
    Best of luck,

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  • From Ambrose on May 01, 2008
    I really wish you had finished this story. You have emmense tallent as an author and a story teller... If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, I think that 'Fumbledore' as the wonderful Pari puts it should also undergo some form of torture... something along the lines of being trapped in the memories of those who have been hurt doing his bidding. I thank you for reading this review. *bows*
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