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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From chantalmalfoy on February 13, 2008
    AHHHH!!! Every chapter makes me love it more! Halfway through this chapter I went and joined your Yahoo group... I just couldn't wait. And the pic. on the main page! Oh my! The boy is absolutely beautiful! Anyway, I'll be reading there from now on. :) Cheers!
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  • From Jan on February 13, 2008
    OMG! Poor Harry. I hope the Weasley boy's make those bastards pay for what they did to Harry. And please, let's not forget chop and feed their little wieners to a neighbor's dog, or better yet, roast them, then place them on a bun, and leave it on the dinning table for them to fine afterwards, if their still alive that is.

    Please update chapter 36 soon. ^_^
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  • From dracoharry4life on February 13, 2008
    Draco took that well. Good for him!
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  • From ANON - Ann on February 13, 2008
    Wow what a chapter. I did not see Harry being raped coming at all. They all are going to need each other.
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  • From Leentjef on February 13, 2008
    this was very very very good chapter
    keep up the graet work and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From NessaC on February 13, 2008
    :'( so sad!! From Draco's actions, I'm assuming that he's accepting Harry as the fourth mate? Great work, looking forward to the next part

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  • From chantalmalfoy on February 11, 2008

    I was bored with my usual categories... nothing new in the fics I've been reading and nothing else new that looked worth reading... So I came to the Male/Male section. I saw your fic and how many chapters it has already, and I decided to give it a chance. I am SO glad that I did! I have been reading it off and on for about a week now... and I've finally got through the first 34 chapters. This fic is AMAZING!!! I LOVE it! I LOVE your OC's and I love the pairings that you've got going! (I do hope that Blaise finds someone too! :D) It's great and I love it!!! Post more soon! :)
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  • From NessaC on February 08, 2008
    baaah cliffie! I wanna know everyone's reactions!
    update quickly okay? pleeeease?

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  • From NessaC on February 08, 2008
    Chpt 33
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  • From Leentjef on February 07, 2008
    this was very good chapter
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From Jan on February 06, 2008
    Well, that should be an interesting conversation. Can't wait to see who they are all going to react, when they hear all that Dumbledore has done.

    Please update chapter 35 soon. ^_^

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  • From ANON - Ann on February 06, 2008
    I think the discussion will be hard on Harry. He may need a little comfort from the others. I also thought it might be fun if Sirius was Kain's mate. Just think of the trouble Sirius could cause a king.
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  • From FieldsofHeather on February 05, 2008
    I'm really enjoying this story and hope to see more updates soon!
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  • From Leentjef on February 02, 2008
    this was a very very good chapter
    i really liked the talk between harry and snaps son
    keep up the good work and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - Ann on February 02, 2008
    Nice chapter. I liked Nori and Harry's talk and I'm glad that Chris and Draco got to hear. I bet Harry is still in for a hard time with Severus not being happy about him being Nori mate. I like that Harry is not experienced that will give them some fun to teach Harry. I can picture Harry being reluctant to bond because of Voldermort. Looking forward to next chapter.
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