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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From dracoharry4life on February 02, 2008
    Can't wait to see how this works out. Four of them together. Draco is going to be confused. I kept thinking had they not bound Draco's veela powers, Harry would have been his mate! If this is to work, maybe Harry and Draco should spend some time getting to know each other, not just what they think they know.
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  • From NessaC on January 26, 2008
    ooooh :) Lucky Norische to have these three beautiful mates :)
    So are we to expect a third bonding ceremony soon?
    Excellent writing, keep it up!

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  • From Leentjef on January 24, 2008
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  • From Jan on January 23, 2008
    OMG! Loved this chappy!!!

    Though I have to say that I was a bit disappointed too. True, at first I wanted Harry to be Norische and Chris' mate, but then Draco was made their mate, and I really wanted Harry to turn out to be Kain's mate. But, no worries. ^_~ I know your a great writer and so I have faith that your going to make this foursome work out even greater then my ideas with Harry and Kain being mates. ^_~

    So pleas update chapter 33 soon. ^_^

    PS: I have to thank you for having a heart. Some authors would of stop with; 'As Norische felt his body begin to respond to Harry
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  • From ANON - Ann on January 23, 2008
    Yes one question solved but what a drama that will cause. Like Nori said a lot of other questions to ask. I think Harry has a calming effect on Nori. Nice chapter.
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  • From ANON - Dae on January 22, 2008
    I love this story... Add soon, I want to see what happens between Harry, Norische, Draco, and Chris!!!
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  • From dracoharry4life on January 22, 2008
    Please give us an update.
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  • From Leentjef on January 22, 2008
    write please
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  • From Leentjef on January 15, 2008
    very good post
    keep up the good work and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From NessaC on January 13, 2008
    oooh... intriguing chapter! So is this where Harry begins to play a larger part in the story? I really like how you've logically tied everything together, to explain Nori's attraction to Harry without the instant and cliched love-at-fist-sight thing. Excellent :)

    I hope you're feeling better too!!
    Can't wait till the next chapter :)


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  • From Leentjef on January 12, 2008
    wow very very good chapter
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From ANON - Ann on January 11, 2008
    Looking forward to the next chapter. I'm sure Harry will feel like he is intruding upon the other two. Chris seems interested but I'm sure Draco will not be so easily swayed.
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  • From dracoharry4life on January 11, 2008
    Well, that answered some questions. I thought Harry was Draco's mate. I can't see Harry doing all that bowing and stuff. He will give respect, but I can't see him bowing to Nori's grandmother and Kain. Given Harry's past and his feelings on how people bow to Voldy....don't see that happening no matter how you write it. Also, if she ever goes to beat on ain't gonna be pretty!! It's took me a long time to get into this story. If Harry ends up bowing and scraping to them or letting that outdated woman beat him, I think I would have to give up reading this.
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  • From prettypinkpony on January 11, 2008
    Loved it. Keep it up.
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  • From dracoharry4life on January 09, 2008
    Hope to see the next chapter soon. Kain and Harry? Or Harry and Nori and mates? Was Harry Draco's mate before they bound his creature from taking a mate?
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