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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From Leentjef on January 06, 2008
    new reader
    wow this is very very very good and intreresting story
    i really like it
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From NessaC on December 30, 2007
    Chapter 29 - I'm intrigued to hear the next part of this discussion. This chapter's been really interesting, and I loved the idea of Dumbledore running around with a target hahaha that made me laugh out loud.

    Hope you've been having Happy Holidays and here's and early Happy New Year to you! *toasts*.


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  • From Coconut on December 24, 2007
    Very wonderfully done Norische, Im no grammar nazi, and no complainer for any percularities of writing format.
    (Feel free to sigh in relief.) I love the story you have been working on, and will continue to enjoy it more as you keep posting. Its definatly a great piece of work, and a pleasure to read. Keep it up, Im semi predicting what may happen with Harry, and im curious to find out which of the two idea's may happen, or if theres a third your going to suprise me (atleast) with.
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  • From NessaC on December 21, 2007
    Voldemort is a nutcase. But I like your description of him being absolutely raging furious.
    Keep up the great writing!! :)

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  • From Jan on December 20, 2007
    OMG! What the hell is going on with Harry and Norische?!?!? Was Harry suppose to have been Norische and Chris's mate, instead of Draco? or Does Norische has more then just two mates?

    I really want Harry to be Kain mate!!! Please let Harry be his mate pretty pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassse!!!!

    Please update chapter 29 ^_^
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  • From dracoharry4life on December 20, 2007
    Still confused about what the relationship is between Nori and Harry. Nori said he didn't see Harry like that so, I'm thinking they are brothers. I was hoping if he wasn't nori's mate, he was the king's. But, they haven't interacted at all. I don't recall them even speaking to each other.
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  • From dracoharry4life on December 14, 2007
    Maybe he was protecting a possible mate. Harry may have suppose to be Draco's Veela mate. But, they did that ceremony that stopped Draco taking a different mate. Or, he could be a possible mate for the Vampire King. If not, then is Harry related to them?
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  • From ANON - SpiritOfBeyond on December 13, 2007
    CHAPTER 27: Wow. That's honestly all I can say. And that I want to find out what's going to happen next!! Thanks you so much for updating :) Made my day, I was sooo tired from school and swim practice.

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  • From ANON - Ann on December 13, 2007
    The last two chapters were excellent. I liked Nori going all vamp to protect everybody. He can't decide if he's big and bad or clingy to his mates. Next chapter should be interesting with the upcoming conversation. Nice.
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  • From dracoharry4life on December 13, 2007
    Just when you think you know what might happen next, you find out you were wrong. So, why is Nori so protective of Harry?
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  • From ANON - Spirit on December 12, 2007
    CHAPTER 24
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  • From ANON - Spirit on December 12, 2007
    CHAPTER 21 - Aww.. Draco got talked to... I feel so sorry for him, I mean, he's kinda been thrust into everything. He can't be expected to remember every single last detail, it's not like he was brought up in the vampyric way :(

    CHAPTER 22 - Ahhahahaha I looooved the scene with Lucius!!!

    CHAPTER 23 - Oh wow... I've fallen in love with your description of Nori's mansion. I wanna live there!!!!! hehe, it's insane! I love it! Great writing too, keep it up! I'm continually amazed at the originality you bring into this, it truly blows my mind.

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  • From ANON - Spirit on December 12, 2007
    Chapter 20:

    Goddess you scared me so bad with this chapter! At least he's awake now, and he hasn't missed Christmas... I'm looking forward to reading about that! Yay! :)

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  • From ANON - Spirit on December 11, 2007
    Woah. First, I must say, this is an amazing story, and it reached my favorites list within the first five chapters. I love the originality there is in there - it almost belongs in the 'Originals' section, apart from the use of the HP characters. Except for a few spelling mistakes and periods when there should be commas, your writing is really really good. I love your descriptions and how you've developed each character, both your own and the HP ones.

    Ch. 19: I'm glad his grandfather is out of the way because he was just a downright heartless bastard. I'm excited to read about the developments, now that Sev's been called to Voldemort... Goddess, Nori has already been through so much in the little time he's been at Hogwarts, it's unfair that it should continue, although I will continue reading tomorrow (I'm just dropping with fatigue haha!)

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  • From ANON - kalush on December 10, 2007
    great OC
    don't like the fact that Ron and Hermione got back together.
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