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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From ANON - Ann on October 19, 2007
    I think Nori can attract trouble even better than Harry can. I'm glad he didn't get hurt.
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  • From WarpedMinded on October 14, 2007
    I can't wait til the next chapter!! This one was very good.
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  • From ANON - Ann on October 13, 2007
    You do have a fetish for doctors offices and public weddings. The boys will never be able to perform if you keep this up. I'm glad to see Draco keep his veela powers. Poor Chris is stuck just being a submissive. Will Draco still get a new life mate when he comes into his inheritance.
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  • From WarpedMinded on October 10, 2007
    Aww, dang. I was hoping Draco would get another mate and then all five of them could be together. It would have been really cute.

    But you do your story the way you want, don't let me both you. *giggles nervously*

    I loved this chapter tho, I am so happy they are gonna have babies!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Ann on October 07, 2007
    Very odd to have an alpha male pregnant. I thought he would be the one to protect everyone. I do wonder if eventaully Draco will not wonder who his life mate would be if they do bind his veela magic. What does Lucius think of his bonding and everything. Looks like he would be furious for not being told. Draco doesn't act like a alpha but an inheritance could change that. Nori seems to really rely on Harry which is nice.
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 07, 2007
    AAAHHH! Couldn't you just let Harry be his mate? They all get along.
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 02, 2007
    First time reading this. I am a Harry/Darco as a couple fan, so it was difficult imagining him with them. I kept thinking he would take Harry as a mate, but I was wrong. Also, for someone to be so dedicated to his mates, he had no problem looking at Harry and Blaise when they were naked. I know the ceremony called for nudity, but he was definitly looking at their dicks.
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  • From ANON - Ann on October 02, 2007
    Wow what a chapter. Ron was being a jerk. I liked how Harry got Nori to let go of Ron. Poor Draco is scared of the spanking that I'm sure at some point he will get. Their do seem to be alot of rules for Draco to learn. I can't wait for the next chapter, since it hints at Nori still needing more mates. Though I would hate to have to keep 3 mates happy.
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  • From ANON - Ann on September 26, 2007
    Nice chapter. Ron had better run and hide now that Snape is after him. Nice ceremony. Nice description of Harry and Blaise. I loved that they got to come to.
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  • From ANON - Ann on September 22, 2007
    Another excellent chapter. Draco seems a little out of character being so extremely nice but that could be due to Nori's influence. I could feel for the boys during that exam. I hate exams like that. Does Nori know about Harry's being the whole boy who lived and all the problems he has had? I'm glad you stated when school was going to start, I was beginning to wonder if classes were going on during their medical exams.
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  • From ANON - Ann on September 18, 2007
    I loved the long chapter. Great job. Sounds like Chris and Norishe can get pregnant or all of them can. I loved the scene with Siruis and Norishe. It seems that he likes Harry's scent also. Is that because like he says he likes all guys or is Harry going to be special too. Interesting story.
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  • From BLACKRAINE on September 14, 2007
    I like your story idea. It is very interesting. Though I'm disappointed that the third person in the tribond will be Draco. I was hoping for Harry. But I like it. I just don't like the thought of a Malfoy being an immortal is all. But I digress keep up the good work. Its nice to see a story from oc point of view that fits into the plot so well.
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  • From ANON - Ann on September 09, 2007
    They bought more clothes than I have. I wish they woould have bought me some. Especially the leather.
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  • From ANON - Ann on September 05, 2007
    Nice chapter. I like the interaction. A foursome will be great.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 15, 2007
    If I may make one critisim, you are overdoing your character Norische. He's too perfect; you need to address some of his flaws. For example, he exceles in potions but is dreadful in Transfiguration or maybe something mundane like cooking.
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