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Reviews for Follow Me

By : norisch1
  • From Jan on August 13, 2007
    WOW! Love Norische wings they're cool.

    Please update chapter 5 soon.
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  • From Jan on August 12, 2007
    OH! I am loving this more caring and loving Severus.

    Here goes a few questions:
    1) Does Harry already knows about Remus and Severus being together?
    2) Is Harry gay too?
    3) Is gay an openly thing here in this story and "the wizarding world"? ( just curious to see how Hermione and Ron are going to react if Harry is gay, that's all)
    4) And are you going to make this story a threesome?
    Because I really could like it to be. You could put Harry and Draco to be Norische partner. Gods! Just thinking about it makes me hot. (grinning)

    I love this story so please update chapter 4 soon. ^_~
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  • From lovvebugg on August 12, 2007
    I really like you're story because of the vampires.I am dying to know does he end up with Harry or Draco?Please finish you story!
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  • From ReflectionsOTR on August 11, 2007
    Your story is cleverly written and I hope it goes on for a long time. Normally OCs are poorly done and it is rare that I have seen one inserted into a story as well as you have. He is a Gary Stu but they can be done alright if a writer is careful enough (Unlike Hermione's insertion by Rowling) just don't over power him and try not to give him too many abilities that have not been hinted in the books and he should be fine.
    I really like the idea of a blushing virgin Harry and definitely would not mind him having a go with Norische. I do wonder what incest you plan on using but nothing other than graphic m/f squeeks me father/son or Weasley twins does not matter in my personal opinion (double penetration by the twins could be a lot of fun and throw Harry or Draco into the mix with Norische well that is what straps and slings are for right?) though I am unsure how graphic your story will be considering the almost vanilla nature of it so far...
    I wish you many successful updates,

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  • From LadyIsolde on August 11, 2007
    I like this a lot. PLEASE POST MORE!!!!!!!!! I love this story. It's brilliant and I think that you have really got something going on here.
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  • From Vittani on August 09, 2007
    oh god, this is gonna be an interesting family dynamic aint it? Cant wait for next bit.
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  • From Vittani on August 07, 2007
    well i really liked that, n i love the name. Is this gonna be a Harry/Draco/Norische (spelt right?), or him and one of the others. I think i like the threesome idea better if not more. but either way this definitely sounds interesting, cant wait for the next bit.
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  • From ANON - Rose Jay Crieghton (I'm too lazy to sign in...) on August 07, 2007
    Omigod... you like drew me into the flame... *Blinks and bounces* Sooo totally update soon and like update.... *nods* cuz it's yummy and awesome and yeah... so soooooon. Please...

    mucho luv and llamas for you!
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  • From railynn2001 on August 07, 2007
    seems interesting, looking forward to an update
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