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Reviews for Imitation of Love

By : psychocatblah
  • From Calrissian18 on July 11, 2008
    Aw... I love your Theo. I really, really do. For some reason I pictured him tagging along after Draco with a tattered stuffed rabbit hanging out of one hand by a chewed ear and his mouth occupied by the thumb of his other. He seemed so childish and innocent in this, it made it very obvious why Draco was trying so hard to keep him out of such a corrupting establishment.

    I'm surprised that Theo had the thought to employ a love potion, but I think with his seemingly juvenile mind that he didn't quite understand the binding aspect of the Amortentia or the unfairness of it. I'm glad that, in the end, the point was moot. And a very good way for that to come about, by the way, "They smell like you." I liked that a lot.

    The flashback was very ingenuous and almost... I don't know, sinless. So pure, just two young boys exploring. Innocent. It was perfect really and the description of the picture was heart-warming and to hear the moments that preceded it was just hilarious, imagining Narcissa with a camera taking a picture of the "sweet" boys being completely oblivious to what had happened only a little while earlier.

    The whole story was almost... coy, and I loved it. Love you. More writing from you, please!
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