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Reviews for How to Introduce Your Boyfriend to Your Parents

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Severus1snape on May 20, 2015
    Ha ha, this is hilarios!

    Thanks for this laugh!
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  • From ANON - Draconia Lesoto on July 02, 2011
    I wanna sequal!!! Awww, i love the way that you portrayed them and gaaaahhhhd i just wanna read more on this couple :) Pretty Pretty Please?
    It doesn't have to be UBER long but a short sequal would be heavily appreciated :)
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  • From bloodshound on November 12, 2010
    hilllarious and brillient
    u are one of my absolute fave authors.
    please keep up the good wwork.
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  • From MaskedLily on September 16, 2009
    Cute lol. Nicely done. The way they went back and forth and also integrated it with the story was marvelous. Cograts and much love =)
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  • From ANON - Amy on September 26, 2008
    I loved this! I especially loved C.H.O.L.E.R.A.! Very, very clever
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  • From callistianstar on July 26, 2008
    Very cute. lol Although I will play ignorant among with the worst of them and say that I have no idea who the Muggle with three children referred to. I was so startled when Draco's mouth because his "arsehole" wow. That's intense. lol Nice job.
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  • From Diane on March 19, 2008
    *falls over laughing* That was helpful and halarious. I'm reminded again of your serious skills. Your voice changes as you change between characters and their points of view. It's a really amazing skill. I never noticed all the Blacks have star names. I mean I knew Sirius, but that's just because it's been my favorite star since my freshman year of high school. I never thought about the others. This also has a good message to others and could really be helpful for telling your parents that you're gay.
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  • From ANON - evalhanne on January 14, 2008
    FUNNY!! This was fun to read!
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  • From ANON - wait...what_now? on November 20, 2007
    You, have made me want to read James/Scorpius fiction like woah. Good job. Man, I really want to read that pairing now and well written like yours. (goes off to search)
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  • From ragexmr on October 23, 2007
    That was absolutly hilarious! I didn't come into the section looking for a pairing like this but I'm glad the summary caught my eye. I loved it, utterly so. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Inconceivable on September 27, 2007
    That was nice and entirely unexpected. Let it never be said that you don't have a sense of humor. The butt hole for a mouth was probably the most startling and hilarious. I can only wonder how Scorpious was able to move with his candy coated skin. And who did that gmone cause inapproriate errections?

    You left alot to the imagination and I am grateful for that. It made reading this fic all the more fun.

    I enjoyed all the characterizations as well. It was a break from what I normally see in fics I read. I haven't read any fics concerning Draco and Harry's children. This was a first at seeing what it could be like. Seems a rather nice possibility, everyone kinda good natured. Albus Severus sort of going the way of Percy and with a name like his...Although, I can't help feel sorry for whelp concerning the pranked/punked future.

    The way way James and Albus's personalities were similar but different and played off each other kind of reminded me of key on a piano and the music they can make. It was nice.

    Man, you're good.
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  • From ANON - Charatka on September 27, 2007
    Awesome story. I was checking if there is update for "Determined" and I saw something non H/D and got curious. One thing just knocked me down from my chair. "Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione
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  • From ANON - Myra on September 27, 2007
    LOL. That was totally funny. XD.. It's a surprise to me though, I've always thought that you'd write AlxScorpius (which is also one of my favourite pairings, btw). But wow, that was a really refreshing start. James, grandson of James Potter, is definitely a prankster through and through. Ah, if it's not the power of Potter genes! And while we're at that, long live the legendary pranksters; the Marauders, Fred and George! Hahaha. I wonder what happened to Al in the end, though. Poor boy. XD Harry was really cool there, the way he handled the situation. I love Harry! Awesome story!
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