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Reviews for Fallen Star (Sequel to Shooting Star) COMPLETE

By : slashpervert
  • From ANON - Anon on May 25, 2013
    I've just finished reading your books Shooting Star and Fallen Star, and since you asked I will leave my thoughts. I've been writing random thoughts here but erased them because they weren't conveying what I wanted to say. Basically, based on the books you've written and shared, I can tell that you're someone that knows how to be in this world instead of just living in it. You belong to a different way of thinking, and those people are incredibly rare. I like to count myself among them, despite my lack of being able to see art and hear beautiful music and knowing my characters. I want to thank you for sharing your work, because for those of us who are not just living in the world but being more in it, it is a rare thing to come across such beauty. But when we do, it makes waiting worth every second.
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  • From ANON - StevieWV16 on August 21, 2010
    I was sexually molested at 3, raped at 14, and also ended up in an emotionally and psychologically abusive marriage. Which I am proud to say I have been completely clear of for a little over 2 years now. BUT I survived it all and am here today as proof these things can be overcome. You can come out of it, if not whole, proud of who you are and what you have accomplished just by overcoming the traumas life can sometimes throw at you.

    I love this story(both parts), mainly because it shows you CAN over come these things. I love how the author explains and rehashes the story. I think many more should do the same. It makes me want to go back and read the whole thing again.

    Slash and Aveeno my hat is off to you two for so many worthy and wonderful collaborations. I randomly picked a story from a search list read it and loved it. So I checked out the author to see what other wonders may be hidden in the list of stories he/ she wrote. I opened three random interesting looking titles... only to be amazed i like each one more than the last. I have spent three weeks as I had time to, I think, read everyone of SlashPervert's stories.

    I like them all and wish I had a way to save them to a favorite's list of some sort like on the "regular" Sorry about and flames you have gotten for your "controversial" stories. Here is a little something for them If their heads arent to far up their own asses. :)

    To those who flame for idiotic reasons such as the violence or "graphic nature" or even triad situation or the homophobes out there... THATS WHAT THE WARNINGS ARE FOR!!!! YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT!!!! AND CERTAINLY DO NOT!!, I REPEAT DO NOT!! FLAME BECAUSE YOUR SENSIBILITIES HAVE BEEN RUBBED WRONG AFTER THE RATINGS AND SITUATIONS HAVE BEEN CLEARLY STATED!!!! Thats as bad as a cheerleader playing football in the rain and getting pissy bcause her hair is wet or her new shoes are muddy. OH wait heaven forbid she break a nail!!

    If it didnt annoy me so much after Ive just read a wonderfully written story such as the shooting star stories and wanting to see what nice things are being said the the author so i can leave my two cent only to have my stomach turn at how dumb some people can be. I'd point and laugh at you.

    Thank You Slash and aveeno for all your wonderful works of fiction and all the time and effort put into each and everyone of your stories. Hope to see more of them in the future. Personally I like the PWP one-shots and shorts with the twins ;P
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  • From ANON - Keira on July 27, 2010
    I really loved the last chapter where you analysed the whole development of the story. I don't care how controversial it is, but this is a very well written and beautiful story and you have really captured the souls of the characters you are writing. Love it, and I'm going on to read the rest of your list!
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  • From helga1967 on March 06, 2010
    Wow so strong, powerful and hot that I need to read it in one day. Awesome.
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  • From ANON - Jackie on January 22, 2009
    You have touched me.
    You have somehow managed to reach out to a person sitting at their computer who knows how many miles away and completely touched my heart and left your handprint on my soul.
    I have never, ever, read something so powerful and moving and indescribably passionate and understanding and all-encompassing as these stories have been. Never, in my entire life. I am literally in tears right now; from your descriptions of sexual violence which ripped my heart open in compassion and pain, to understanding of the comfort found in more than one person's arms, I must thank you for so honest a vision and so clear and strong a voice in telling such a tale. You have shaken my world like a snowglobe with my thoughts the snow--and there is no possible way to explain how that feels but to let you know that when the snow of my thoughts settle, they are stronger and tougher packed and more resolved than ever I have known them to be. Simply, I have nothing to give or say but the highest praise for those authors capable of putting pen to paper and telling something I can not, will not, must not ever forget. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for putting in words something I could never fathom describing. Even if you had not helped heal yourself or simply felt catharic in writing these epic pieces, you have certainly, most definitely and assuredly helped heal me, when I did not even know I needed the healing. And that is a gift I can never repay. Thank you forever, from the bottom of my soul.
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  • From jddammann on September 06, 2008
    I can feel the angst coming on and with hurricane Ike coming too, it is just too much, so I'll let you go for tonight, but want you to know how much I love both stories. Sorry I am a little late for the second one, but I'm still here and loving it!!!! :-) I'll hopefully catch up with you later if the hurricane doesn't take my house!

    Thanks for sharing your talent, wish I had some. :-)
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  • From sweetciel on July 24, 2008
    Wow. This one was different. In a good way of course. An OC who is added into the dra/har mix? What a delicious suprise ^_^ Gory..? Yes, but necessarily so. Great book!
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  • From ANON - japer on July 04, 2008
    You did a really good job with both stories...I preferred the first one though. Had you left the Mark character like the two lesbian characters this story would have worked much better. You took away the power of DH LOVE by adding the third man to the equation. It made it less believable. I liked the way Draco was written, but honestly did not like how Harry was written (in the second story. He was written very well in the first one) I did not see the connection between Mark and Draco at all. It was not believable at all. I think a better ending would have been to make Mark realize that he wants what Draco and Harry have. One last roll in the hay and then he leaves to find his own love. That way you get the happy ending and the three united, but Mark finally gives Draco the respect that he didn't at the beginning of the story. I would have liked to have seen a scene where Mark admits to Harry that he now sees what an incredible bond Harry and Draco have and because he loves him he won't come between that. That's my take anyway. The threeway love thing really took away the stories power that you had built upon so nicely. Because of that, it kind of turned it into a gay sex thing. I am a hetero woman, so I am coming from that point of view but I work in a predominatly gay male field (travel industry) and I have lost close friends to AIDS..most recently my boss. I don't condone the idea of multiple partners, but for a story I thought it was fine until you made Mark their live in. I actually wondered if you are Mark and that;s why you did it...I am a writer too so I know easy it is to get wrapped up in your characters. It was like the story was going along well and then all of a sudden you threw this Mark guy into the mix. It seemed off the cuff and a little strange, and left me with a not so good feeling by the end. I kept wanting him to die quite frankly LOL For me to feel that way, means you did an exceptional job at building the romance between D/H but that you missed the boat on an opportunity to create more drama by having a triangle. It would have been a nice distraction during the middle of the story when things get slow. I often do that in my own stories. To beak up those middle chapters I will throw a wrench into the mix that takes 3 or 4 chapters to resolve. Good job but I am left feeling a little disappointed and I feel unfair saying that to you because you did an amazing job but...Mark...ruined it for me.
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  • From ANON - Alle on February 19, 2008
    I just wanted to leave you a little note saying that you are the most amazing author that I have read on this site, and on many others as well. I have had other favorites, but they all pale in comparison to how you write. I do wonder how you write with a co-author, but I love the stories, and would not want them any other way. The way you manage to combine the plots, the sexual experiences, and love in one story is absolutely incredible. Your stories have really made me open up to the possibilities of writing with gay and bisexual couples. I might even try it sometime! I love everything about your stories, and the things that I don't like, are so small (some of them even explained in the AN after Fallen Star), that I don't even see them until I've read the stories over and over. Beautiful writing... I can tell that truly amazing people worked on these!
    Loving and waiting for more!
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  • From ANON - kyouteki on February 07, 2008
    I am truly stunned. I read your two stories like a would read a really good book. I sat down yesterday with a glass of water around noon went to bed a 10 p.m. and then got up and did it all again till I finished. I was so hooked I wanted to stay up all night. I've never seen an author, or in this case authors, who have put so much work into a story. This wasn't fanfiction. This was like reading an actual Harry Potter Novel. You work well together and the characters have attitude, depth, and detail. I'm just so stunned by this! It's better than any book I've read so far and I read around 20, 400-900 page books a year. You plot is perfect and you play the relationships very well.

    I'm just completely in awe!
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  • From dracoharry4life on January 29, 2008
    I really liked this story. Well, I liked most of it. I am a major Harry/Draco fan. When Mark was added, it kinda took away from the story, instead of add. Their interactions didn't flow as well for me. It was as if he was there, but not entirely useful, like having an extra thumb on your hand. Now, I know I am only one reader, but that was my opinion. They went through so much together in the two stories and seemed deeply in love. Mark is like an open marriage. If they were in love as you portrayed them (Harry and Draco),Mark shouldn't have had a chance in Hell of getting in the mix.
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 18, 2008
    I am sooo going to miss this story! Fantastic!!!
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  • From Draco218 on January 15, 2008
    This and the first story were so good. I could not stop reading either of them. I actually think it would be a good idea if you did a third and said how it was for all three of them living together after about maybe seven years. Would the relashionship between all three last or not? That's something I am dying to know. Well again I loved both stories and I can't wait to read some of your other stuff. Keep writing.
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  • From CanadiangirllovesHP on January 13, 2008
    Awesome series!!!!
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  • From kalaway on January 13, 2008
    First off I really enjoyed this story, and I thank you again for another great book. It's not my favorite of all your stuff, mainly because even literary gore makes me a bit woozy, lol, but I'd never read a "Harry loses" fic before and I thought you did a fantastic job.

    Second, I hope that, like your Bound Prince series, you go back and rework this one a bit in time. It was pretty clear that things like Mark and a lot of the story was "on the fly". It was done well, but I'd love to see some further development especially with his character, because even at the end I didn't feel I had a handle on him and I didn't like him all that much.

    You write: Mark
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