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Reviews for Harry Potter a sexual creature

By : sammie243
  • From andrew234 on October 12, 2008
    Wow, this really is a nice story, can not wait to see more...hope you continue!
    Nice Chapter and great story!
    Hurry Please...1000/1000
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  • From ANON - DarkOkamiYokai on June 03, 2008
    YAY! please update the next chapter soon! PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!!!
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  • From dominique1 on April 30, 2008
    so far so good i like were this is going
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  • From vampirekisses on April 30, 2008
    Yes! Thanks for the update.
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  • From alma on April 29, 2008
    looking good.
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  • From blahblahblah on April 29, 2008
    good to see you got some help with the plot area, not that the constant sex was a downer. lol.

    i hope you and you co-writer continue to crank out the chapters.
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  • From RRW on April 29, 2008
    I really like where this story is headed...can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - MistressOfDarkness on April 29, 2008
    i like it so far
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  • From ANON - mothermindgames on April 29, 2008
    um--your story's pretty good but you need to look up the difference between wither and writhe

    wither- to slowly dry up (Picked flowers eventually wither and die.)

    writhe- to thrash around (Fish writhe on the hook and people writhe in passion.)

    It's kind of disturbing to read sex scenes where a participant is "drying up" with passion.
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 29, 2008
    Sooo can't wait for chapter 5!
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  • From pontaloon on December 01, 2007
    SEXY STORY! you definately don't need help with the sex scenes, and i have a few ideas fort he rest. how about, he got the letter when he was 15 because his mom was veela and dad was incubus. as such, the combined sexual creature inheritance made him come into his early. also, the fact that the two are combined makes him horny 24/7. think of it as a sexy overload. well, that's my idea hope you like it. also, in future chapters, can you please avoid the hetero sex? i LOVE slash, hetero... not so much. no offence intended though.
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  • From ANON - m on October 10, 2007
    why don't you just explian why he has changed
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  • From ANON - someone on October 09, 2007
    Well first you need to decide what exactly Harry is. Then you could work the Draco angle and make Draco his soul mate or his mate or some such.
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  • From ANON - eyeglass82 on October 07, 2007
    I can help you w/ coming up a plot but as for helping with the story..., well I never wrote one before and I don't really have the time and effort for it.
    So, here's my idea - cut it out with the female sex.
    Have Draco discover Harry is fucking around w/ a lot of ppl, and Harry will 'try' to stop his urges, b/c he is getting unselfconscious of his future(only an option, you don't have to do it = this will lead to male preg, so decide for your self), Draco pursues Harry by black mailing him. Hermione will be smart, as always and figure out what ever 'special magical creature' that Harry is turning in to 'this time'. Ron might freak out, if you don't like him, just make him evil, or have him be nice and understanding if you like him around. As for if you don't like Hermione, you can always replace her role by adding Blasie (or 'and Pansy'). Harry will turn more vulnerable and depressed b/c of his status of being some 'magical sexual creature', and try to avoid other ppl's attention, but cant and is saved by Draco/or Hermione or a friend if you don't want this to be too sappy. Draco and Harry will fall in love and all that sap.
    That's all I got now.
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  • From Vittani on October 07, 2007
    well i can say quite clearly that i love this. You write sex scenes much better than i ever could and i would love to help you out because this just cant end here. I dont know if you have already found somebody but i am still offering. From your comments i got the idea that you had a plot already but were just having difficulty putting it to words. I would really like to work on this with you but if you dont have any ideas i have some of my own that you might find interesting.

    Email me at if you want to. If not I wish you and your new partner luck with this and I cant wait to read what you come up with. Oh and when you do update could you email me and let me know, so that i dont miss it.
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