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Reviews for Beauxbatons' Boy

By : JLynnTheJewel
  • From lissagal99 on October 12, 2007
    Oh... I'm glad I'm alone... I could not explain why I'm blushing at the computer. And I don't mind the use of dialog, I like it better this way as well.
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  • From ZooArmy on October 12, 2007
    OMG I became totally infatuated with this story. Wow, sooooooo pretty. Cuteness all over the thing. *sigh*
    BTW Durmstrangs are sexy!!! *pout*
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  • From wickedwiccanofthemiddwest on October 12, 2007
    Love it harry so cute all innocent! gotta love devilish draco.
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  • From Roozette on October 12, 2007
    Awww.... this was adorable! I love it! Would have loved it more if I didn't know the ANGST you were planning for these two confused boys. Bitch. Hehehee... no JLynn, this is seriously good! I am proud of you for being able to write this :)
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  • From hpn827 on October 08, 2007
    Harry finding out the person he's lusting after is a boy is hilarious.
    I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From helewisetran on October 08, 2007
    I love this story. It's just soo cute. Continue
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  • From ANON - D/s_Fan10 on October 08, 2007
    i hav been reading h/d for a while now and really like the concept of a feminine draco, but not many authors hav taken such a risk. i hav but three requests, for this particular piece of fanfiction. first that u make harry dominant in the relationship, that there be no major (harry or draco) deaths and that this story hav a happy ending.this is a great start and i love the characterization. please continue the great work and please finish, i cant tell u how many great stories get abandoned by authors of fanfiction, it is seriously annoying and dissappointing for the reader. ggod luck and i'll try to review every new chapter so that u dont get the itch to stop writing. may the speed of the greater power be with u!!
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  • From Samaelthekind on October 07, 2007
    Well, you've obviously struck a chord with people, and not just a few. Never underestimate the appeal of a well-beta'd fic with an original twist and an adorable cute/horny Draco ;-)

    I do enjoy a flustered!Harry, especially in denial over his painfully obvious crush ;-) Soooo cute. Like snack food for the soul :-) Now you've answered a few questions, and peeled away a little layer of mystery. Beauxbatons allows boys...but very few ever go there. Good enough...particularly since it places a cute carefree Draco withing eyeball distance of a confused/excited Harry. How ticklish!

    Now we can look forward to their first exhcange of words :-) By way of serious review, a few of the sentences still reach for a flow that doesn't quite come. Kind of breathless and frantic. Been there too, myself. I try to shift my state of mind when I edit. I don't just look for errors each time. On my first edit, I always read it just like a reader would. No hunting for errors, just 'feeling the flow' and rolling with it. I do the grammatical stuff after changing sentences as I please.

    That said, this fic is deservedly well reviewd, and really fun :-) Looking forward to the next! Lurve, Samayel
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 07, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 3! Who pushed him? Why did he pass out?
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  • From lissagal99 on October 07, 2007
    I like it. I like it. I like it. ... so how often was it you wanted to update?
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  • From wickedwiccanofthemiddwest on October 07, 2007
    LOve the chapter cant wait for the next one.
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  • From TatsuTipatico on October 07, 2007
    can't wait for more!!!!
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  • From windbell on October 07, 2007
    ^ ^ I'm very very happy!!
    Update Please~!!!
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  • From danradfan84 on October 07, 2007
    I love it, I love it. Harry helped Draco up. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - rosiel on October 07, 2007
    the story sounds fabulous so far. please update soon
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