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Reviews for Beauxbatons' Boy

By : JLynnTheJewel
  • From katecooley on October 06, 2007
    Ooh, Draco in Beauxbatons Blue! I like!

    Can't wait for the next part. This is yummy!
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  • From bananasforyou on October 06, 2007
    awe so ccute!
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  • From Samaelthekind on October 06, 2007
    Well, I am very biased, since I pretty much adore any tale with a feminine Draco, or at least a Draco who is very comfortable with his sexuality, and this story seems to have that in abundance! Having admitted my bias on the subject, I can now move to actually reviewing.

    I really like it ;-) First, you have very good grammar and spelling, which makes any story better. There are a few sentences I might have structured differently to make them flow easily, but nothing significant that I would have changed.

    You laid the groundwork for the story well, making tidbits of background available for us, while teasing us with what may come later in a way that doesn't give away anything but the enjoyable fact that Harry wants Draco...and vice versa. This is a situation we can live with ;-)

    For a first fanfic, this is really impressive (especially since my first one needed three months of back editing before I could stop cringing with shame!)

    Please keep up with this one...I look forward to what comes next! Peace and Love, Samayel
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 06, 2007
    I think it's great. You might want to explain why Draco is the only boy and is he the only boy at the school. If he is the only one in the whole school, you may want to tell why they took a boy into a girls's school. You could have there be more boys at the school, but he is top student, so he got to come on the trip.
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  • From danradfan84 on October 06, 2007
    Cute, very cute. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Faschmer on October 06, 2007
    LOl this was so funny ^^ Looking forward to the next chapter =)Loved the beautiful blonde boy part :P
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  • From goldentrio on October 06, 2007
    Really good first chapter. I love stories where Draco is the submissive one and Harry gets a chance to play a more dominant role. Keep up the good work. Next chapter. please. :)
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  • From ANON - love56 on October 06, 2007
    omg!!!! i love this story!!! keep it up ^^
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  • From Roozette on October 06, 2007
    JLynn you are the Jewel of my life! Seriously... I told you this story was amazing! I'm so proud of you for posting it! Also, after rereading the chap you e-mailed me, I dreampt about your story last night. I know, disturbing. I had to wait till I killed off Neville, but now I have bunches of thoughts for your giggling review. I'll e-mail you tonight.

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 06, 2007
    so funny, i don't think i've run accross a plot all that close to yours anywhere. keep writting.
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  • From lazycrazykitten on October 06, 2007
    Awe...Harry has a crush! How cute. Your doing a good job.
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  • From ANON - vn on October 06, 2007
    poor harry.
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  • From Amessis on October 06, 2007
    I think you've got a great start here. Well done.
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  • From X5927alpha on October 06, 2007
    I like this already. A lot. Please update!

    Oh, and nothing is too confusing for me yet.
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  • From TatsuTipatico on October 06, 2007
    it sounds good so far! I do want more chapters^^
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