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Reviews for Secrets

By : LillySnape
  • From on March 09, 2011
    Wow I love it so please put another chapter
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  • From teiarose123 on November 29, 2009
    More more more. I love this story please write more.
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  • From chyara on August 19, 2009
    hope you continue to update.
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  • From HarryGinny4eva on August 18, 2009
    Well, now that I've gotten to this last chapter I am REALLY glad I hadn't read it before. lol I can't imagine my horror if you had disappeared on me after that! Seriously glad you chose to pick this up again, as it's really good and I would like to see it get to the end. Thank you for updating!

    Cheering you on to completion, HG4eva
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  • From sirimionefan85 on August 18, 2009
    Wonderful story, but her name is Lily not Lilly. Update again soon!
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  • From HarryGinny4eva on August 18, 2009
    Hello. I just found this story and am reading it straight through. I am really enjoying it so far, but I had to tell you I about busted a gut at the end of chapter 8!! Thank you for the laugh. Off to read more...

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  • From lilashannah on August 18, 2009
    hell of a good story.i don't know why i had not seen it before.hope you keep updating.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 18, 2009
    about dang time if you ask me..i started reading months ago, then you never posted i gave up..then its had better not do that to me again..i really like this curious to read where this is going..
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  • From Sampdoria on August 18, 2009
    I am trilled to see the update, I am so happy you have "returned" to finish it:-)) That said, if Severus have made himself a test to prove to himself or Hermione weather or not she loves him, in stead of believing Hermiones words, I am not sure he deserves her love, neither am I sure that she should accept being "tested".
    I am very much looking forward to read more!
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  • From catysmom1028 on August 18, 2009
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From catysmom1028 on November 02, 2008
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From chelleybelle on November 28, 2007
    somehow i missed your last update...great chapter...i'm glad that severus finally decided to go for it...hermione was getting cranky! lol...hurry and update again...
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  • From Heidi191976 on November 21, 2007
    This was an excellent chapter. I am glad that they finally made love, even though it took them a long time to do it. I loved reading this story so far and look forward to reading more soon.
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  • From catysmom1028 on November 21, 2007
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From CandyxCotton on November 02, 2007
    Absolutely Brilliant.
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