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Reviews for Boys and Booze

By : DracaMalfoy
  • From MisstressNicole on October 15, 2007
    You did a pretty good job. I laughed hard. I even read it to my sister and she laughed. I fI think of something I problem won't be able to resist writing it but I'll be nice and post if somewhere else if I write it. Which I probably won't because have a problem stepping on people's toes. Well anyway I like it a lot, you've never failed me. And I'm still in love with the other story.

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  • From NightLo on October 12, 2007
    Well...I quite don't like it either, though I know this is how the world wishes to Draco and Harry, always...
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  • From ZooArmy on October 12, 2007
    Don't bother your pretty head about nonsense. It's good, really good. And I like the scene you put it into, because personally I think in drunken state you speak the truth - mostly.
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  • From bananasforyou on October 12, 2007
    i loved it so much and hes like toast!
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 12, 2007
    Oh I can just see that! Poor Justin!!
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