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Reviews for I'm Trying Not To Fall Apart

By : JLynnTheJewel
  • From naruske on October 15, 2007
    omg i love this storie plzz post more
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  • From DracoHarry on October 14, 2007
    That was good and kind of funny. I loved it. Keep up the fantastic work.

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  • From on October 14, 2007
    *growls* Write more NOW!!! put down the cookie..what? you dont have one? oo...*hands you a cookie*(thats for the awesome story..) put down the cookie and TYPE!!!
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  • From anniea on October 13, 2007
    don't you dare blush! that was amazing, so who tops? harry or draco? update soon *kisses*
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  • From badamire on October 13, 2007
    You are leaving out a lot and so the story makes no sense at all. One--Draco's parents were filthy rich and Dray had his own vault. Two--Even if the Ministry took their money, why didn't anyone (Draco, Tom, and now Harry) report the DE's that are located at Malfoy Manor so they could be taken care of?
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  • From LoveGD on October 13, 2007
    Liking it alot so far! Looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work!
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 13, 2007
    I'm sooo disappointed in Harry! *sigh* Though personally I was expecting a 'No way in Hades' kind of reply! Sooo need chapter 3!
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  • From Dezra on October 13, 2007
    That was some dream, will that affect how Draco's letter is written?
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  • From Dezra on October 13, 2007
    Cliff hangers are not nice
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 13, 2007
    Sooo need chapter 2! What does the response say? Surely Harry wouldn't be cruel.
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 12, 2007
    Harry's not going to help him?
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  • From anniea on October 12, 2007
    wow update soon this seems good *kisses*
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  • From Roozette on October 12, 2007
    Ooohhhh, Jess it's better than it sounded when you told me about this idea last week. I love the start. Know what would be a fun twist? If Draco turned around and Harry was standing in the doorway watching him! OK, so I'm a nerd. We know this already. Woot?
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