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Reviews for Forgive Those Who Trespass

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From alleycat88 on January 18, 2008
    Awww...Harry broke Draco's heart...the jerk! Well.... guess he feels that its inappropriate...and I suppose it is what with the okace they are in and what happening around them O.o nice chapter! update soon!
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  • From DannyLove on January 18, 2008
    i kinda guessed eh verry good chapter ^^ the spell was verry imanative and harry is stupid poor stupid harry even imainary ron thought so! wonder how draco feels. plan on doing a chapter in draco's pov?

    awating your next chapter
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  • From ANON - evalhanne on January 17, 2008
    YAY!!! I'm so happy that you updated. So mean, though for the cliffie! This story is SOOOO horrifying, if it was a movie I don't think I'd be able to watch it without having nightmares for months(I'm a sissy, I know), but I LOVE this story and all the others I've been bouncing on.

    Write ON!
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  • From DannyLove on January 17, 2008
    your welcome

    I like the slow progress on harry and dracos relashon ship, its there but not...wondering if harry would give up 'mione and ron for draco? and why did the robed people show up then? I also wonder if anyone elce is in the maze. when will poor draco get his voice back? u don't have to awnser but it would be nice. ^^

    can't wait for more!
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  • From misslala on January 16, 2008
    Harry is so daft sometimes! LOL God, that room sounds horrible. I could see it so clearly in my mind's eye, and that has to be the worst part of it. I wonder what the spell that Harry cast actually does. If it wasn't the one that Draco had meant for him to use. Whew. Getting tense there. How the hell are they going to get out of this place? Him Transfiguring the Unspeakables into rats was priceless, though. I have to admit that was quite original. :D I can't wait for more! I'm on the edge of my seat.
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  • From ANON - ali on January 16, 2008
    Hey, I just wanted to say that I love your story and was wondering if I could get on your mailing list. I don't want to be a bother or anything but you can get me at or Your story is the most original I have ever read and I check almost every week for you to update. I was happy to see two chapters on my 20th b-day, so yay!! :D
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  • From QueenB on January 16, 2008
    Ch. 16 Harry, you silly mush-headed fool. However, if he weren't so soft-hearted, he wouldn't be helping Draco. So the Slytherin can thank his lucky stars. Turning those creatures into rats was funny although I wouldn't have given them food. Rats are very resourceful creatures when it comes to scrounging up grub. They even eat other rats. That's right; let 'em fight it out!
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  • From GreenEyedCat on January 16, 2008
    What did he do now? And how can he believe that someone mad of skin and liquid would be sane?! Draco should realy control him better.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on January 15, 2008
    Worst room yet!! Your imagination is SICK! So there are still Unspeakables walking around in there searching for them? or are they all trapped in their own special room in the maze? Where's Ron and Hermione OK, and why was I yelling at Harry when he went on that plank. Screw Pearl! But what a horrifying image you painted right before everything went to light...whatever that means, I hope Harry didn't jack up and get himself in something that's gonna wind up getting Draco or him killed. You're not gonna kill anyone are you?
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  • From alleycat88 on January 15, 2008
    I love how Harry apparently has the time to obsess over Draco's sexuality. hahahahaha! Very creepy chapter. the liquefied bodies were sick. And to top it all off harry says the wrong thing...oh well. Excellent chapter!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on January 14, 2008
    what extreme torture Draco have your ribs stolen from you over and over again while you're conscious? He's gonna be a basket case even if they do get out OK. lol@Harry thinking about Draco being bent more than anything else. at least there's a bright spot in think Draco knows Harry's conflicted about his sexuality? I guess now isn't an appropiate time for either to explore that...I'm still not sure what Harry's plan is, thought I knew maybe, but now I really don't know. But I do hope it works. I like how you showed the Pearl lady, while a despicable character, isn't one dimensional. The whole family/cancer motive brings a little humanity to her character. I guess no one is purely evil, except Richard, and I hope he gets his!
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  • From GreenEyedCat on January 14, 2008
    Everything in the story is so horrible but I couldn't stop reading. please update soon :-)
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  • From alleycat88 on January 14, 2008
    Oh my. What an asshole. Telling Draco Narcissa was dead. And taking out his ribs...*shudders* sick. Good chapter. Update soon!
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  • From misslala on January 13, 2008
    Wow! Draco's been suffering for some time it appears. I can't fathom someone doing that, but, then again, I suppose people who don't contemplate such things can't. Oh, and I realise this is just a story. :P I'm not saying you're barking or anything. :P It's just really interesting to see your psychology of the characters. When I read your stuff, I see that you actually think about their personalities and that's refreshing. I know I always gush about it, but I really do find your stuff easy to read. It isn't easy to guess what it going on like other things I read, and it's a nice change. I just enjoy the ride you take me on as a reader. :)

    I can't wait to see how things pan and whether Draco may makes the moves on Harry first for comfort? It's obvious that Harry knows he's gay now, so how we will he deal with Harry? He hasn't shown any attraction that wasn't clouded by some need of comfort yet, although I have a feeling the sleeping scene in one of the previous chapters held a lot more than you let us see. I also like that you are telling this from Harry's POV. We're stuck guessing what Draco is thinking and that leaves the suspense high! Great job! I can't wait for more.
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  • From DannyLove on January 13, 2008
    Thanks and i cant wait for another chapter!

    this is got to be the best story i have read in a lon~g time.

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