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Reviews for Forgive Those Who Trespass

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From QueenB on January 13, 2008
    Ch. 15 I didn't realize that Malfoy's ribs might have been taken more than once. Of course, I was starting to wonder how there could be so many of them in the different Pensieves. But I have a limited idea of human anatomy so I thought I was miscounting. Brrr...

    Pearl's motives are commendable even if her attitude (the means justifying the ends) are not. However, I thought it was revealing how Malfoy says in one moment that Snape thought him that his ideas of being privileged and special were petty then in the next, he thinks Pearl wants to make herself a if all Muggleborns regret the fact that they're not. Didn't he learn anything from Hermione Granger?
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  • From ANON - evalhanne on January 08, 2008
    This is an amazing story. It's so disturbing, but soooooo good. I can't wait ot see what else Harry and Draco have to encounter. I want to know what happened to everyone and what happens when they reach the center.
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  • From DannyLove on January 07, 2008
    oh my god, this story is so good!
    I can not imagin the time and effort it took to do this story!
    I can't wait for more!!!!!
    pleas keep me posted!
    grate work really!
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  • From alleycat88 on January 07, 2008
    *lets out breath* Oh thank god! That scared me...Draco is very clever. But Harry sometimes is so impulsive...thats exactly how he gets into trouble like this! So...the voice...Draco's voice...How, Who, Why, and where?! in the center? I know you probably cant answer any of my questions but i can't help but ask! Its typing vomit they just spew out of my fingers and onto the keyboard! Update again! Harry and Draco are getting close I can feel it!
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  • From misslala on January 06, 2008
    I have just sent you an email.

    Great chapter. I like how Harry had to figure those little things out for himself. I feel bad for both of them. Hehe. And have your novels been original, published works? That's pretty cool. :D It shows in your writing.

    Do you ever work with a beta?

    So it would appear that Richard and the other Unspeakables that are living don't realise the maze was a failure, right? So even if Harry got to the centre, I don't think he'd achieve Immortality. Well, at least from what I've seen so far. I like how Draco is being supportive to Harry, though. I feel bad that he's lost both Ron and Hermione for good... or at least it would seem that way. When they come out of this, they're going to need each other, I think. I'm eager to see how everything turns out in the end. Draco has obviously learnt a lot from his time down there, and isn't being a complete prat, which is wonderful.

    They both need to see that they aren't the same men (boys). Can't wait for the next update. :D
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  • From QueenB on January 06, 2008
    Ch. 14 The people who built this maze may have figured out that Harry's temper is his most serious character flaw. But they don't know him well at all if they think he's interested in immortality. Perhaps that is their obsession so blinding they simply can't believe that others wouldn't want it.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on January 05, 2008
    Wow. Another crazy chapter. My heart jumped when he saw Hermione's head, hands and legs. This is how I read this story now. Read a few sentences..pause, a little, cover my mouth, and then look away, and then I start reading I'm so glad they aren't dead...well that we know of yet. Loved loved the blade cutting spell. Where do you think of this stuff? You know what I was thinking when Harry went charging into that room? Here goes Harry with his fatalistic martyr hero complex. I hope he really does have a handle on that because he's gotta be smarter than that now. But I understand why he did that. I mean it's freaking Ron and Hermione! I wonder what his plan is, that's he's saving to the end. I have some ideas, but I could be totally off so I'll just wait and see I guess. It's gotta be really freaky to hear Draco's voice being manipulated like that, I mean he just started to trust the guy again, and now everytime he hears his voice it's gonna come from something bad and say something terrible. OK, I'm rambling, that means I really want to talk about it. lol. Oh yes and please email me when you update since this freakin' site doesn't post updates on this story properly: thanks a lot : )
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on January 05, 2008
    I don't have anything to say to you right now!@#?! First of all, I'm pissed, you updated this story on Thursday and apparently I missed it. The only reason I came on here looking for your update is because I saw you online. Not cool, but that's not your fault, more of a website thing, cause I notice your story never goes to the top of the Lastest Updates page. I don't know if an administrator can fix that, it's really annoying cause I'm always waiting for an update on this story.

    Second, I can't fucking believe you killed Ron. I hope he's not really dead. That was probably the worst thing that's happened in this story so far, even worse than the bone sucking creatures and the drawing and quartering torture scene. My stomach just dropped. Please don't let this be real. It's gotta be a trap or something..right? If Ron got decapitated, I can't imagine what they did to Hermione. :::exhale:::

    OK, well, I guess I did have a few things to say to This was a good chapter, but what an awful and unexpected development.
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  • From Tesp71283 on January 04, 2008
    whoa for chapter 13....I wonder if ron will blink, since it appears he may be an immortal piece as well?
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  • From Lacegag on January 04, 2008
    -nearly faints- Om my od, is that horrific. Nothing like finding your best mate's severed head, eh? But does this mean he's dead and there's no way to get him back? Or would answering that reveil to much? And oh man, what about Hermione? I can only imagine...Well, actually I can't. So, far I haven't been able to predict anything. You certainly know how to throw us for a loop! Also, if I may inquire, how long do you expect this story to be? Will it range in length like your other stories? I love reading your long story fics. You're storylines and plots are always so wonderful and well put together. Though I ,of course, love your oneshots too. You are one damn good writer. Ever thought of writing a book? I believe you would go far.
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  • From alleycat88 on January 04, 2008
    *hand over mouth* oh my Ron dead? I'm like in shock....*lips tremble* Oh jesus....this is getting so scary and horrific. I want to know how Draco lost his voice...and what exactly their fates will be along with Ron and Hermione's and the unspeakables...update soon!
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  • From darkshadowarchfiend on January 04, 2008
    oh shit ron can't be dead!!!!! i hate to think what happened to hermoine!!
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  • From username on January 04, 2008
    ron's head. creepy.... will skelegro help with draco's bone problem?
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  • From QueenB on January 04, 2008
    Ch. 13 I was afraid that something had happened to Harry's friends. I was actually hoping for death, seeing what happened to the other victims. But now I'm wondering if Ron's head is somehow alive, even detached from the rest of him, like the limbs of that woman in the magical fire Harry saw in the Pensieve. No, if he were alive, then he would have said something when he heard Harry...unless his voice were taken like Malfoy's and that's not likely at this point.
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  • From misslala on January 04, 2008
    Oh, no, I feel so bad for Harry. That was so sad! I like the bond that is forming between them a lot. :)

    I hope that this doesn't set them back too far. I have wild images of Unspeakables following Harry and Draco around in order to put him under enough duress to make Harry submit or make Draco submit to stop the pain both of them are experiencing; a solution to bring Harry's friends back.

    So if Ron's head glowed with Dark Magic, wouldn't that indicate to Harry that there's a possibility it isn't even Ron's head? Gah. Wow. This was a chapter that hit hard because the ride to that moment was so tense. It was like I could tell something was coming; they've had it far too easy so far, haven't they? Fantastic as always. Can't wait for more. :D
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