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Reviews for Forgive Those Who Trespass

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Dreiad on December 01, 2007
    Utterly brilliant writing here!
    I love how dark you've made this, it's very intriguing. Your imagery is intense. One of my favourite parts is when (third chapter) Draco "opened his arms as if he had no expectation of being refused." Aw...! Perfect for the spoiled brat he once was! Hahaha. It also rang as if it were showing a Hope and Belief that helped carry him this whole time. (Maybe hope for and belief in Harry?) It was a very sweet and endearing moment. And very true to character!
    Eagerly awaiting the fourth chapter!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on December 01, 2007
    Damn! I was on edge for real. I almost didn't think they would make it out of that room for a few days or so. This is a real nail biter. Crawling over bodies? Nice! You're kinda a sick fuck and I love it. I was wondering how Harry would find Draco even remotely attractive with him being deformed and all, but I guess love isn't skin deep...poor thing. I like the slow build up, it's realistic for this tale. It's obvious you put a lot of thought into this...the whole communication vial thing is another language with its it's own special coding system. Very creative. I hope I don't start getting nightmares off this wouldn't matter though, just like a scary movie, I'd still have to peek and see what's going to happen next.

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  • From tiapotter18 on November 30, 2007
    although i dont generally read such graphic torture, you write it in such a sophisticated way that im ok reading it, like a horror movie that uses suspense to thrill rather than blood and gore. chapter 3 was awesome. was malfoy gay or bisexual before the torture, or, like harry, was only asking for comfort bcuz of the extraordinary circumstances? keep up the good work :D
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  • From alleycat88 on November 30, 2007! But I wanna know! Oh well. Very gross...landing on a pile of corpses! and poor Draco. He is so needy! I hate what they've done to him! Why him!? And what were they doing? Besides the immortality thing...there's something else going on that you haven't told yet! Please update soon!

    eagerly awaiting your update,
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  • From ANON - Myra on November 30, 2007
    Oh my god.. that was horrible. (The scene, I mean!).. my god. Just .. no way! OUCH. I really wonder how Draco endured all that. I'm surprised that he's still even alive. Whoever responsible for all those torturing and all.. just holy crap. So inhuman. And the chain. The damned chain! I was trying not to shriek in horror. I could practically picture the dead body in my head. My god. It's so.. disturbing. Wahhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so so so glad Harry found Draco. I'm sure Draco's hella glad himself.. who would want to stay alone in such situation? To think that he's been there for almost a year.. just shit. You're extremely good in describing the scenes, Lomonaaeren. You can write awfully well in all genres, from comedy to romance to angst and horror. Just wow! Can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder what they'll come across with next.. and what was that all about towards the end of the chapter? So freaky @__@!
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  • From ANON - Harem Days on November 29, 2007
    This is the creepiest thing you've ever written, and I'm totally messmorized! Update soon please :)
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  • From misslala on November 28, 2007
    Wow. You are very creative with things in this! Incredible. I feel so bad for Draco. I hope that he isn't in on whatever is going on. That would truly be horrifying. The body braided, please tell me that wasn't Hermione. Although, I think Harry might have known if it had been. I can't wait to see what you have planned for us readers! There are so many little things and big things that could possibly come from this. I am thoroughly intrigued and can't wait to see more soon!

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  • From misslala on November 28, 2007
    Oh, wow! Talk about a tense moment! This is so very intriguing already. I am eager to know what's going on! Fantastic start, love.
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  • From lissagal99 on November 28, 2007
    Oh my this is good!
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  • From ANON - Redmeadow on November 28, 2007
    OMG..this story is incredible so far. I am completely disturbed by this chapter though. Man it's like the magical version of ww2, at least in torture all in the name of progress and discovery. It's freaky that it is a sanctioned government goings on that of course no one knows is going on...or do they? I look forward to more of it, despite its horror.
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  • From graballz on November 28, 2007
    OH I forgot to ask....WHO WAS THE HUMAN CHAIN?????? Who was it??? Harry obviously recognized them, right??? Did Draco??? WHO WAS IT????? *howls*


    Oh my god. The person who was literally made into a chain WAS dead, right??? RIGHT??? (Oh, god, it wasn't Fred's body, was it??? *whimper*) Harry went closer to make sure that the person was ACTUALLY dead now...but you didn't SAY that they were REALLY they ARE dead, right??? WHO WAS IT????

    And WTF is in the room with them now??? The claws, the sniffing...a dog, perhaps? Fluffy? A werewolf? (Greyback??? He would definitely be a sick bastard...but I can't see him as being super smart and torturing people...he just likes to bite...)

    Claws and clicking makes me think of that monster from Dean Koontz's "The Watchers"...the Outsider...fucking creepy as hell, that thing was. I LOVE THIS HORROR STORY!!!!! (I can't believe you're telling us a horror story right before Christmas!!! It's like...anally raping a bunny rabbit and then giving it to your kid as a birthday present...)

    Wow, that was fucked up...
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  • From graballz on November 28, 2007
    Oh my fucking god!!!! What the FUCKING HELL happened to Draco???? I have to know!!! I torture him in my stories too...poor thing. But THIS...THIS is sheer fucking dark-ass evil brilliance, and I cannot WAIT to see what happens!!!

    This reminds me of Lucilla Darkate's "Promethean Fire" (I think that was the name of the story) in that it is really dark and twisted and you're not afraid to go there. I'm fucked up enough in the head to enjoy reading it, and that makes me glad that you're writing it.

    I hope that everything is going okay in your real life and that this isn't an exercise to relieve stress or something. (I mean, I know that when I'm angry, Draco gets hurt a lot more...) So I hope this isn't a reflection on a dark turn your life has taken...but this is a fucking great story, and I want more!!!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 28, 2007
    Oh're another quick updater..good. I didn't expect to see Ch. 2 for awhile and was pleasantly surprised to see you're still freaking us out. My poor Draco can't even talk either, has nubs and missing ribs...damn. I can only hope that Ron and Hermione are more fortunate. A human chain...ingenius, you're a bit scary. I love it. I like the mood you've set, it's hanging over this fic heavy like a curtain and promises for only more terror to come. Keep it coming : )
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  • From bananasforyou on November 27, 2007
    omg poor draco!
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  • From alleycat88 on November 27, 2007
    GOd this is horrible! horror! gore! scariness!............ I LOVE IT!!!!! Keep unspeakables are behind this?! What if they are experimenting on Ron and hermione!? So the dpt. of mysteries shut them out? Maybe it didn't like what they were doing?! Or maybe they shut it out from the world so they COULD experiment? see now look what you did! Got me all excitede with the various ways the fic could go! And poor Malfoy! Chained by a corpse! with no fingers, voice, or ribs..*shudders* ver sick and disturbingimage...ewww and the way you described how it felt totally groseed me out! You are amazing! Keep updating please!
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