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Reviews for Forgive Those Who Trespass

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From DannyLove on February 12, 2008
    OMG I'm sorry I have been gon a while but I come back and 3 chapters are waiting for me and boy did I love it! and boy doi love this story the last chapter wow it's all getting so good i don't ever want it to end...though its enevitable *sigh* well continue your wonderfull work!!!
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  • From ANON - Kayo on February 12, 2008
    ARGH! I knew he would become Draco's replacement. Ugh! Tell me he doesn't stay there. Please, please. I know it's not supposed to be happy but really.....I'm angsting over here. And, besides, is the Ministry just going to close off the 9th floor? Ha! They'd exploit such a thing as that perfect maze. Oh, but the potion Harry used was a nice touch. Please hurry and post the next chapter; I'm dying of anticipation!
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  • From ANON - landra on February 12, 2008
    CLIFFHANGER!!! WTF!! I'm so in this story I even rant about possible outcomings and twistings everytime I meet with a friend!!! I knew Harry would sacrifice himself but it went too flawless in comparison to everything that has happened so far... there has to be a catch, even IF Richard is content with Harry's willing substitution for Dray he, after all, has a certain interest in Draco as part of this maze otherwise he wouldn't have forced him to become right that...?
    Why was Draco so clueless about Harry's plan, I mean hey this is Harry Potter the saviour of the wizarding world and because of that and the significant fact that he loves Dray, he is expected to do something Gryffindorish to save his most important person?!
    AHHHHHHH!!!! I hope you're updating very soon!!!!
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  • From QueenB on February 12, 2008
    Ch. 27 You know, in his way, Harry is as much a madman as Richard. Only where Richard is a fanatic, Harry is a martyr. Such kinds of people are dangerous and you should avoid them both. I only hope that Harry hasn't miscalculated and that he can rescue his friends and the others.

    He's a good person, in spite of his flaws and I believe he would have done this to rescue Ron and Hermione even if Draco hadn't been around, at least I hope so. I eagerly await the end of this gripping story.
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  • From ANON - darquiel on February 12, 2008
    I waited... I wanted to read this story when it was finished. But I was weak....
    Arg, Cliffhanger of DOOM strikes again!^^

    Fabulous, fantasic... I love it. Normally I'm not very into Horror but you kept me on the screen with every word.
    Especially I loved the chapters "The Water Room" and "Into the Light". Absolutely terrific narration you did there.
    I can't wait for the next Chapter!
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  • From graballz on February 12, 2008

    (Well, I mean, I KNOW what happened, but WHAT JUST HAPPENED?????) Oh my god!!! Okay, so maybe I'm just an IDIOT, but it wasn't until Harry started talking to Richard that I actually *GOT* that Harry was going to WILLINGLY sacrifice himself...

    I mean, I think I had suspected that that's what would happen (I mean, come's HARRY) but it didn't *actually* dawn on me that HARRY WAS A WILLING SACRIFICE until just now, so yeah...I AM an idiot, but that's not the most important thing right now!!!

    The most important thing is that Draco wants Harry and Draco is one unhappy bitch when he doesn't get what he wants. I can't WAIT to see what happens to Richard, and I'm going to LOVE every single fucking minute of it. And then once Draco's finished with Richard, he's going to get Harry out of that damn maze, right? Who the fuck cares about the Ministry collapsing? They can rebuild the goddamn Ministry, but DRACO NEEDS HARRY!!!!!!

    lol I really, really, really hope that they'll be able to substitute Richard for Harry somehow because that rat bastard needs to suffer for a good, long time...forever might not *quite* be long enough, but it'll be a good start, considering what he did to Draco. *puppy dog pleading look* Please? PLEASE?

    PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I HAVE TO KNOW!!! (also, even if this has a tragically sad ending, I still love you and your writing! I will most definitely be traumatized forever--and yes, that SHOULD be motivation for it to turn into a happy ending lol--but I'll still love you just as much!)
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  • From thrnbrooke on February 12, 2008
    OMG!!! I sooo need chapter 28!
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  • From Dezra on February 12, 2008
    O God, this is so heartwrenching.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on February 11, 2008

    ::sigh:: i guess we all knew that was coming...maybe you'll throw in a twist though? maybe richard wasn't lying but he still doesn't really know how to use the maze properly and that spell will do something unexpected? I'm so very afraid now, more than I was in all the other chapters. you're killing me here! Wrap this up soon!
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  • From GreenEyedCat on February 11, 2008
    I suspected it but I still hoped...
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  • From LarienMiriel on February 11, 2008
    o.O I didn't really mean it like that...
    But,oh wow, i really hope that something good happens, i'm so sad right now as i write this, i mean you know its coming but its still so terrible! 'I want them to liiiive!' **dies**
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  • From misslala on February 11, 2008
    So Harry's become a willing sacrifice to the maze - I wonder if he's thought about the possible implications of everything. Wow. I can't even begin to figure out exactly how you plan to spin this given that there are so many that will want to walk the maze once it's complete. Not only that, but how will Harry get out? Do you plan for him to make it out of the maze intact? If everything goes back to normal save for Harry, then where does that leave everything. What a cliffhanger. :P I continue to sit in awe. I can't wait for the next chapter. I am eager to see how Draco helps Harry - how Ron and Hermione deal with this.
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  • From ANON - Kayo on February 11, 2008
    I'm so impatient, lol. I finish reading one chapter and I want another. Oh, I knew it had to be flesh! Ugh, but for it to be Pearl's, that didn't occur to me. Also, I want to find out what other memories were in the Pensieve...and I'm so clueless because I still don't know what Harry's plan is. Except for being very brave, self-sacrificing, and Gryffindor-like. Er, he wouldn't make himself part of the maze would he? That should be impossible...since he can't exactly remove his own ribs and voice and fingers and such, yes? Although the fingers weren't really important important...*shudder* Scary possibilities. Great chapter!
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  • From ANON - landra on February 11, 2008
    This story is just amazing!! I just can't get enough! You are brilliant and your writing style is superb!!
    But why aren't letters on the 7th and 8th Pensieve??
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  • From LeeB on February 10, 2008
    You draw up the deepest, most frightening parts of who I am. Incredible.
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