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Reviews for A Thief to Catch a Thief; a Death Eater to Catch a

By : Utopia
  • From ffpoisongirl on February 14, 2008
    Usually I'm not one to squeal over the antics of little children; I'm the one rolling her eyes before briskly walking in the other direction before I get sucked in. But that was FREAKING ADORABLE! I must've squee'ed at least six times during that chapter!

    Interesting that Hermione seems to be on the verge of agreeing to Lucius's marriage proposal, without returning the "I love you." Can't wait to see how that turns out.

    I can't remember, possibly because I just started visiting the site again, what the "charm" Hermione accuses Lucius of taking advantage of is.
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  • From Malfoysgirl on February 13, 2008
    Aww Utopia that was a sweet chapter! Please add more soon
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  • From ffpoisongirl on February 13, 2008
    *fighting the urge to babble indistinctly* These last chapters (minus the scary child abuse one) have been so adorable! I can't wait for more.
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  • From Malfoysgirl on February 12, 2008
    Aww that's so sweet. Those poor kids. Please add more soon
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  • From LadyIdori on February 12, 2008
    Yay new chapters!!! I really like this story and have been looking forward to new chapters. Keep up the great work and still looking forward to what will happen next.
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  • From Tenar10r on February 12, 2008
    I loved Lucius with the child and the bubbles.
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  • From LaBibliographe on February 12, 2008
    Chapter 23: Whew, powerful chapter. Difficult to read, but extraordinary descriptions. I
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  • From Shalengreh on February 12, 2008
    yay for story...
    yikes for situation...

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  • From Malfoysgirl on February 12, 2008
    Oh man! That alwyas the hardest part for any lw enforement. Having to work a child case. Be it: death, kidnapping, child slavery, or child auction. Great Job though. I hope that Lucius and Hermione give the people in the orphanage hell. Please add more soon.
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  • From ANON - Monica on February 10, 2008
    Yes the toy does exist I saw it on HBO here in the States. A company makes them and I can't remember if they're filled with liquid but you can heat them up or stick them in the freezer or think you can fill them up with ice.
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  • From ANON - Monica on February 10, 2008
    I am really enjoying the story, you are an excellent writer but there were a few errors. It's animagi or animagus and it's really difficult and dangerous in the Harry Potter world for wizards to become them, they're usually born. Also it's a disillusionment charm and the Chudley Cannons. Keep it up though because I'm really enjoying the story.
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  • From SilkySweetSatin on January 13, 2008
    I will take both if I can have them. You know just so they don't get bored with just little ol me. This is a great story and I can't wait to read more. You are great at panting a picture of everything they are doing and wering. Luv Sin!!!

    P.S. If I can't have both I'll take Harry and Draco one at a time thanks!!!
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  • From soldiersgirl0709 on January 09, 2008
    FINALLY, I was able to get through the first 21 chapters despite the many distractions. So Lucius can fork his tongue, eh? I can sooooo work with that LOL. The image of Lucius in leather is one of my favorites, along with him sleeping of some black leather trousers, a bare chest and a pretty leather collar.....phew....(fans her face).

    Hermione must be insane not to want to sleep with Lucius! How could anyone not want to sleep with him curled up behind them, so readily accessible for those times when a body just cant get back to sleep? Were I his boss, he would spend his days curled at my feet while I stroked his pretty hair, his sole purpose to do my bidding.

    Great job, loved every inch of it.....though I cant get the image of the auror dept doing the chacha slide out of my hear.

    Well done, sweets!

    Snape Goddess
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  • From LaBibliographe on January 08, 2008
    Chapters 18-21: Draco knows how to please his lady. But it looks like Lucius has to come up with more than a nightie to win his love. Hermione isn
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  • From Malfoysgirl on January 08, 2008
    Oh, now it's getting intresting! Please add more soon
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