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Reviews for i left the wizarding world only 2 b thrown back in

By : Akasha101
  • From catysmom1028 on January 30, 2008
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From ANON - Jammar on January 09, 2008
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so totally in love with your story! PLEASE PLEASE hurry and write more!!!! *sits and rereads and anxiously awaits another new chapter*
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  • From Serenablack9000 on January 09, 2008
    NOOOOOOOOO. Dang it I would love to read what happens in the next chapter. Plz Update Soon
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  • From ANON - Bethany on December 28, 2007
    The story seem interesting but may I suggest getting a beta. Commas cannot take the place of periods. Too many run-on sentences.
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  • From catysmom1028 on December 27, 2007
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From Mellow03 on December 21, 2007
    Hi, good story and hope Harry will see her old lovers again, Ron and Hermione. And be a lover to them as well as with them.
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  • From laica on December 17, 2007
    love it please update soon
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