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Reviews for She Was Vanilla

By : CrimsonAcid
  • From ANON - the norwegian girl on May 26, 2008
    wow.....(stares into space with a blank expression) that was great !!!
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  • From TrillienRose on May 01, 2008
    That was a truly magical story. i enjoyed every word. you have a beautiful gift for writing, please keep up the wonderful work.
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  • From Kahoko on April 20, 2008
    I looooooove this fanfiction!! It's so hard to find one that is believeable!! But you did it so well! Definately one of my all time fav of Blaise/Hermione/Draco ever!! Thanks so much for writing this!!

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  • From ANON - Pastel on April 18, 2008
    This was a really nice story. I loved it.
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  • From VampireSeductress on January 14, 2008
    awwwww....i loved it!
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  • From ANON - Antonia on December 31, 2007
    It's an awesome story! very eloquent. I loved how hermione was not aware of her beauty, it was heart-wrenching and sweet all at the same time. very well done. Is there going to be a sequel? If not, definitely write more. Cheers!
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  • From ANON - mopple on December 31, 2007
    Omg i really loved this story it's 4am and i'm so tired but this story was so addictive that i just had to finish it before i went to bed!
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  • From wudelfin on December 29, 2007
    quite nice really
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  • From bananasforyou on December 27, 2007
    awe so cute!
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  • From ANON - mariteri on December 26, 2007
    Great story! it had a unique plot and the writing was excellent. Keep up the good work and please write another story soon!
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  • From Sparkykiki on December 26, 2007
    This was fabulous! I love the Draco/Hermione/Blaise pairing and you did an excellent job of it. Good job!
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  • From mm4ever on December 23, 2007
    Still waiting for an update.....I love this story so much and want to hex ron and harry for being so stupid. Please update again soon!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From TheShadowsLight on December 23, 2007
    i lvoe this story. please put the rest up soon!!!
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  • From MB3 on December 21, 2007
    Fabulous story. Had me staying up way past the time I should have been in bed to finish it. However, I am a bit confused. Your description says that the story is a oneshot, then goes on to say WIP. Obviously, it seems that you left off at a point which is not a desirable ending to most readers of a story. So one would then infer that your story is a multi-chaptered one. Could you clear up my confusion for me and fix your summary so others don't get confused too? I thank you bunches and look forward to the continuation of this story and any further stories you might write.

    Oh, one last thing. Is Blaise cannon? I thought I read a part about him having bangs and it makes me think that he might be the italian version. I admit that it's late and I could have missed it if you put it in the story. Till next time!
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  • From ANON - Rayne St.James on December 20, 2007
    Brilliant.... you have a way with words. Please update soon.... and if at all possible could you email me when you do? My email is i love your story.
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