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Reviews for Barking Dogs Do Not Bite

By : ZooArmy
  • From cravedom on December 28, 2008
    Oh crap, love. I guess that is more importtant... My withered heart remembers that feeling, I think it was in the 80's and I had a perm. Congrats honey.

    I love the Severus/Narcissa thing, is so tragic. It would be just Severus luck to find some hapiness after the war just to have it taken away soon after.

    Is Draco going to get in trouble? If I was at Vegas there would be no doubt were my money would be at.
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on December 28, 2008
    I'm so happy for you and I hope everything works out for you! excellent chapter as always
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  • From ANON - Tabberwok on December 15, 2008
    o man, i knew he was in a fight club xD lol @ his puppy mask
    good job. :)
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  • From CruelHero on December 02, 2008
    Ah Ha! I guessed it was something like that back around chapter 10 or so. Yay for me, and for you too! Patiently awaiting more. ^.^
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  • From thrnbrooke on December 01, 2008
    He's joined a fight club? Interesting!!!
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  • From serenagold on November 30, 2008

    Harry's big secret is so mundane. ^^ hehehehe
    And here I was expecting something fantastic and magical. lol
    Although I must say, I look forward to seeing Harry in a cage fight. Awesome chapter. It was only the build up that made it seem completely out of left field with its plausible normality. Keep up the great work!
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  • From Toddy on November 28, 2008
    It's called catharsis - I am glad you explained it - I am now looking forward to how you deal with it - More chapters please.
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  • From ANON - MewMew2 on November 28, 2008
    Fantastic job. I have just started reading this fic and finished the latest chapter and I must say, this is an amazing piece of fanfiction. Please continue to update this story when you find the time to do so.
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on November 28, 2008
    so like Fight Club huh? well i never thought that, well i thought he might be fighting but i didn't expect something like that. i want to see what else happens.
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  • From cravedom on November 27, 2008
    Well damn I was wrong. I really thought Harry was a vigilante. This is a much cuter explanation and one with less consequences since it would just be a matter of stopping. Now we just need to figure out a way for Harry to release extra anger and energy. Hmmm; what do do, what do do...?

    Oh, you did not tell us his stage name! I guess is something to do with dog... Why is he so strong? Is it part of his magic or just the anger? Do the other fighters wear leather too? Just the pants, no shirt... MMM. Darn it now I have dirty Ultimate Fighter images in my head!
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on October 28, 2008
    mmm yomust have just forgotten to post the rest of the chapter riiiiight? lol cant wait for the next one though!
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  • From cravedom on October 28, 2008
    I understand why you had to stop, the chapter would have been wasy too long if you told the whole story. At least we have a promise from Draco not to run, not that he can be really trusted to keep it but it is something.

    At this point however Harry is the one that worries me, it would be espected that Draco wont like him risking his life being a vigilante or and will ask him to stop. Should that happen will Harry agree or does he still need to go out and beat bad guys on a regular basis? If he does have this need can Draco handle it?

    Sorry about your test but on the bright side it may not matter since the marked colapsed and you would not find a job afer graduation anyhow :) At least that is my sons excuse for not studying...
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 28, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 16!!! What else does he tell Draco?
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 27, 2008
    Glad to see they are going to get everything said and out there. They had me wishing I could reach in there and bash their heads together. He said he got bad when Draco disappeared. He has him now, so is he going to give up on his "night work"?
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  • From ANON - Olivia on October 16, 2008
    It's a good story. But just how many times will Draco change his mind, and just how long will Harry keep his secrets before they grow a brain between the two of them and figure it out already? They need to move forward soon. At least a little bit. It's getting too repetitive, this failing to ask important questions and running away instead business. Still, I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Thanks for sharing your talent with fanfictiondom. One more question: Is English a second language for you? You have good vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and so on, but occasionally your syntax is odd. It reminds me of my High School French class and the oddness of the grammar and word order in some cases. What is your native language?
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