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Reviews for Barking Dogs Do Not Bite

By : ZooArmy
  • From ANON - fallenangel1129 on October 01, 2008
    ahh! u need to update this story more often! lol and about the breast feeding im pretty sure i was eating out the other night and this lady just started breast feeding her baby....dont get my wrong she covered up, but still u could just thought i would throw in my 2 cents...hehe
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  • From cravedom on September 29, 2008
    This is much lighter than your previous chapters, I hope is not the calm before the storm. How is Draco going to react to Harry's secret? Maybe he will stick around this time and discuss the matter instead of just running away again. Is that a guy thing?

    I breastfed my sons openly in my home since anybody invited to my house was either a close friend or a relative. In Hermoine's case not only is Harry like a brother to her but with Harry and Draco being in a homosexual relationship it would not be likely that the feeding would have a sexual connotation. Also with Ron coming from such a large and poor family it would be easy to imagine that Molly would have also breastfed and not necessarily hide to do it (at least from the family)since she did not have the help of any house-elf. Anyhow my point is that while some women -and men- may find it embarassing to breastfeed in front of others, in the case of Hermione and Ron it does follow the personal traits they exhibit in this story.

    It is always a joy to find one of your updates.
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  • From Toddy on September 29, 2008
    Breast feeding is quite natural, yes; I agree with you. If somone is that squeamish maybe they had better read stories on a site meant for kids. Love the story, more please?
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  • From aliceavis on September 29, 2008
    Yay - an update and a hot smut scene. Have I died and gone to heaven?

    I agree with what you are saying about breast feeding. But I think it can be a bit controversial here in the US (I'm not sure where you're from but you're profile says you aren't a native English speaker). It's dumb really... in the US we get way to uptight about boobs. I don't know if you heard about the Janet Jackson thing a few years back... so freaking stupid really.

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  • From on September 29, 2008
    Very well written and I really enjoyed this fic...cant wait to read more.
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 28, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 15!!!
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  • From bananasforyou on September 28, 2008
    i loved it!
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  • From hieisdragoness18 on September 28, 2008
    whew! *fans self* more?
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  • From serenagold on September 28, 2008
    You know, in New York, its perfectly legal for woman to go topless in public -- a rule created for the very reason of women breast feeding in public. Not that you see many topless women around here (with the exception of a few sunbathers ~none of whom are very young/attractive/desireable~ and the occasional breast feeder) but the law does exist because of it. :P I don't know how it is in England though.

    Great chapter. (Chapters! I missed the last update!) Of course I'm STILL waiting to find out what Harry does!
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 01, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 14!!!
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  • From lissagal99 on August 30, 2008
    I find it horribly unbelievable that a woman would simply stick her breast out at the beginning of a conversation. It may be natural to breastfeed but it's not a sideshow, she would've been more discrete than that if she needed to feed her child at that moment. And nothing showed enough urgency as to why couldn't have done it before or after talking to Harry, the baby wasn't even crying. It bugged me to the point I could hardly get through the rest of the chapter.
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  • From ANON - Raeysama on August 27, 2008
    I really enjoyed this story. I wait patiently for chapter 14.
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on August 27, 2008
    bah its about time for an update....lets hurry with the next one ya? lol
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  • From ANON - Lullaby to Rita on August 26, 2008
    Weee, I read all this today! I really like this fic, even if Draco and Harry are a bit too, how can I say... Draco is too submissive and Harry the dominant male. But I'm loving it anyway! Can't wait to find out about harry's hobby... something about guilt process?
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  • From ANON - HawkTear on August 26, 2008
    I really want to know whats gonna happend next. Really need to know.
    It's a loveley story and very good writing. :) Keep up the good work!
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