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Reviews for Beauty

By : Sparkykiki
  • From SeayKat on January 07, 2008
    Having eliminated my favorite pairings, Hr/H and D/Hr, I can only request that Hermione end up with Blaise or Sirius. (SO looking forward to the Captain of the Guard scene if it is with Sirius :) Other than those two I can accept Remus, but not Neville, PLEASE! I am interested to see how you mix in the other characters and who the Queen will be, although I assume it is Narcissa. I hope we still get a little Harry/Hermione action, even if she doesn't end up with him. Boo for killing my hopes, but I trust you and I am liking the story overall.
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  • From alleycat88 on January 07, 2008
    Oh YES! Harry would be perfect Alexi! I love it! Thank you! Who will Bellatrix play? I would love for her to be that lady that has Beauty run the gauntlet...I cant think od her name though but I picture her as that...though think she would make a better queen to be honest with you..since the queen is cruel and cold. You are adapting the story to the books marvelously darling! I am excited for the next chapter! Please update again!
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  • From Jilliane on January 05, 2008
    Glad to see your update! I'm still intrigued too. I haven't read the Anne Rice "Beauty" Trilogy in quite some time, so I'm trying to remember who all the characters in that are too. You say Harry is going to be Prince Alexi, but I can't remember his storyline! Grr! So, I'll just have to keep reading yours, won't I?! :)

    Keep up the good work, and I'll keep a watch for updates. I'm really glad you're carrying on with this!

    (and thanks for the mention!)
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  • From pfeil on December 31, 2007
    Bah, must it be Draco? :|
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  • From Katlyn on December 26, 2007
    .... Reminds me a lot of Anne Rice's 'Beauty' series already. I take it that's where you got your inspiration from? Hopefully you'll be able to make the story a bit more interesting.
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  • From SeayKat on December 25, 2007
    Hi there. I loved the Sleeping Beauty trilogy and I love Dramione so I am VERY pleased to see this story. I like what you have done with it so far and I look forward to seeing what you keep from the books and what you change. Just a personal hope: Can it be Prince Harry instead of Prince Alexi? :) I'm kinda rooting for Draco and Hermione to end up together, but I bow to your muse. Keep writing!
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  • From alleycat88 on December 23, 2007
    Ah! I love the Beauty series! Am I correct in guessing that Harry will play the role of Prince Alexi? That would be nice! I loved Alexi! I love how you used the books for this fic but also used your own original story as well! please update soon! I can't wait for the village/spanking scene!
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  • From ANON - SweetGirl on December 22, 2007
    update soon
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  • From Jilliane on December 22, 2007
    Hmmm. I'm not a big Hermione fan, but I have read the Anne Rice books you referred to, The Beauty Trilogy, and so I'm curious to see where your story goes, if you follow the books, who Hermione's Prince will be, and what parts the HP characters will take. Good start and good writing. You've definitely piqued my interest!
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