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Reviews for complete!!!Whats Love got to do with it?

By : ThePanicParody
  • From Yokubou on May 04, 2008
    sucky fanfictions :O i think not :D
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 21, 2008
    Holy moly! What happens in chapter 11?
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  • From sonykit on April 21, 2008
    hey! you're back! been a long time. anyhow, the last chapter was pure, unadulterated, shameless fluff. and i loved it. after such hot action in the last few chapters, it's good to know that the story and the characters are not lost to the scenes. i think it was a good strategy to post something more emotion-ridden for the characters rather than going all out with the lovemaking immediately. it brings depth to the characters to know that they are able to feel beyond desire. i loved harry's decision to wait so their first time would be perfect. it shows how sensitive and serious he is about draco. i am, however, quite hesitant to comment on draco's sexual needs. i know it is in his nature as a magical creature, but i think it would be better to tone down a bit on how needy he is. basing draco so heavily on his sexual appetite creates a certain shallowness in his character, make him seem unable to control himself. that is just my personal opinion, you don't have to conform to anything except your own standards. please don't get mad. am glad you're back. ;)
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 17, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 10!!! What is Draco?
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  • From sonykit on January 11, 2008
    what? what happened? hope your okay. judging from your enthusiasm to write and work on your fics, i know your really crushed. i hope everything works out for the better for you. don't worry. your readers will be here when you get back. ;)
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  • From sonykit on January 06, 2008
    ooops!i was just rereading the last chapter when i realized i forgot to comment on you new fic. anyways, i think its cool.harry on the prowl for draco. oooh, i just hope draco isn't a downright snob here. and i really hope harry gets back a t ginny and ginny suffers much towards the end, crazy bint that she this going to be an agressive-dominant-harry story?i just love the way you made harry in your current fic - fits him really.your idea is really good and i hope you have much inspiration and passion in writing it as you did in this fic. good luck! ;)
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  • From sonykit on January 06, 2008
    that smut scene was hot! draco is the submissive one but he can be very demanding!that's a good thing for harry though.haha. and they are mated!it's wonderful how you integrated the mating and the smut and the awww-so-cute-fluff at the end!draco is now claimed but i don't think harry has any idea of what just happened,am i right?am so glad he isn't there just for the sex anymore. i was so worried that there might be an impending angst about harry leaving draco to believe he was in it for fun only. harry's snide comments about ginny were hilarious and gave a vivid picture of how much a slut ginny really is. am so excited for the next make very good and cleaar description of things that it isn't very hard to visualize. again though, some typos, but overall, a really good job! wishing you more inspiration! ;) ps. i was so touched to see you dedicated that chappy for me. i haven't written any stories yet coz i don't have a very solid plot bunny - i want to put so much i forget the whole point of what i wanted to write in the first place. but thank you, really.
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  • From EnvyButterfly on January 05, 2008
    Erotic. Very erotic. Love it.
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  • From sonykit on January 05, 2008
    hi!this is a really great fic. all the elements i look for are here. i was planning a chapter-by-chapter review but once i got to the end of the page, i couldn't stop myself from clicking next.i just can't get enough of it. ok, admittedly, there are grammatical and typographical errors. but they certainly do not outweigh the wonderful plotline of the story. your chracterizations of harry and draco are brilliant and uniquely done. i adore the outwardly-confident-but-inwardly-shy-and-conscious draco. and of course, daring-and-dominant-but-still-confused harry is just lovable. the background/supporting story is also wonderful (sev/lucius part was unexpected, draco taking care of apathetic-turned-crazy narcissa, harry and draco brushing off evil ginny). amidst all that, you manage to focus on ahrry and draco. the smut scenes are hot but passionate while the supporting storyline is touching and humorous. you have written a great fic so i hope you have no plans of abandoning it - it would really be a great loss to us readers, honest. hope you have lots and lots of inspiration for the rest of this fic. thank for sharing a great fic. and oh, for posting chapters even if they are unbetaed just because you don't want your readers to wait that long. ;)
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  • From darkshadowarchfiend on January 04, 2008
    yes yes yes OMG they are finally going to do it.they aren't going to be interupted are they? i hope not. man is it going to be good when afterward all the drama starts anew and new problems come up. Ginny is starting to scare me.
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  • From Veracityrules on January 04, 2008
    Nnnnnoooo! You evil, evil author! How can you leave us hanging with a slashy cliffy like that! It is strange (in a good way) how this fic has transformed into a creature fic but I suppose the original plot line limited you, whereas, seeing the popularity for it has grown, with this one you can prolong it further.

    Love the Lucius and Severus byplot (I love this 'ship), I hope you are going to include more of this. Good call! See you next update.
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  • From ProfessorSibly on January 01, 2008
    Good Ron, and Harry gets Draco, of course!
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  • From on January 01, 2008
    harry should definately get draco .
    ginny is annoying :]
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  • From anngelik on December 31, 2007
    Awsome story so far....please dont make ron bad, I know a lot of people hate him and make him bad but come on, give the character a break.
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  • From darkshadowarchfiend on December 31, 2007
    do you even have to ask about who gets draco it's harry DUH!!!!!!!
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