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Reviews for Nephilim\'s Power

By : Diviniti
  • From DB1 on January 29, 2008
    @6 i like this story!! update soon

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  • From SSJ04Mewtwo on January 21, 2008
    Good story. I would suggest you take the backslash out of the title though...,just a little nick picking. If you also require someone to beta for you I offer my humble survices. I've not written any HP fics, but I've got several stories on here. This Mewtwo will be waiting on the next chapter.
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  • From luvhp on January 14, 2008
    Yes, it was definately worth the wait, Fleur and Harry are just so damn hot!!! Way to go, can't wait 'til he gets to Hogwarts.
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  • From c3markh on January 13, 2008
    Love this story. More Hermione please.
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  • From iamspammer on January 13, 2008
    Ah, nice. Just read the chapter.

    This scene with Fleur was best out of all scenes. More graphically done. I really hope you do that again.

    Can't wait to see who are one nights and who are bonded. I wonder though, how he'll keep one nighters quiet.

    And I agree with one of the reviewers. Veela should age quickly as they are magical beings. So, Harry should get Gabby soon like Chritmas holidays or something.
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  • From pfeil on January 12, 2008
    Pretty good, though I'm looking forward to more H/Hr.

    Hogwarts is going to be fun no matter what, though =)
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  • From iamspammer on January 12, 2008
    That's it? Wow. That's small chapter and no smut.

    Just wondering.

    Are you busy? Will you update soon?

    I hope you keep the chapter length as before.
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  • From luvhp on January 10, 2008
    Wow, Regine. . .was HOT! Poor Fleur, not getting any of the good stuff. :)
    WOW< Tonks and Ginny, just, WOW! Excuse me...
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  • From DragonWhite on January 10, 2008
    I love this chapter! ^_^
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  • From pfeil on January 09, 2008
    I hope Gabby hits maturity soon.

    A sexual creature like a Veela ought to be ready early, and Ginny's only 14, so Gabby's 13th could come soon, and with her blossoming into her looks and powers. If nothing else, she should at least be (perhaps immaturely for now) trying to seduce Harry when he drops by, especially since his aura should be powerfully attractive to other sexual creatures --- like Veela.

    But then I'm just obsessed with her :P

    I certainly have nothing to complain about with the Ginny/Tonks scenes in this chapter, and some interesting things ought to happen with Hermione soon, not to mention the taking of Fleur.
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  • From mm4ever on January 09, 2008
    Love it update again soon!!!!!!!!!
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  • From c3markh on January 09, 2008
    Love the story. Thanks for writing......more Fluer and her mother please.
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  • From iamspammer on January 09, 2008
    Well, you certainly made up for the lack of smut. So, if not more then please keep atleast one scene per chapter.

    Thanks for answering the questions. I was wondering about those.

    Now, what's with Hermione?

    BTW, Can bound women betray him? Like can Hermione (I am assuming she is bound) go to Dumbledore and tell him about Harry? or they are bound as in their will and everything.

    Can't wait for Fleur to be bound.

    About powers, as you said there will be a limit. But, will that limit be equal to Voldemort or more than him?

    Please update soon. Twice a week you said?
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  • From FireLord1 on January 09, 2008
    I just started reading this fic but it is real good. Keep it going.
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  • From pfeil on January 07, 2008
    I think I'd prefer Gabby to her mother, personally.

    And Harry's toying with Fleur is almost as entertaining as what'll come when the 2 of them make it back to Grimmauld ;)
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