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Reviews for Nephilim\'s Power

By : Diviniti
  • From Zerim868 on January 03, 2008
    Defentily looking interesting so far. I am looking forward to seeing more,and especially hoping you do involve ginny.
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  • From ecorate on January 03, 2008
    nice keep it up
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  • From Carlin on January 03, 2008
    Nice work on this so far and I have to say I'm looking forward to reading more of it.

    As to other girls... well I would say Susan Bones and Lavender Brown come to mind as douse Luna and Rosmerta the owner of the three brooms, thats all that comes to mind, anyway do keep psoting this fic as I have seen to many abanded because of lake of reviews, write for your own enjoyment I always say.
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  • From hoser41 on January 02, 2008
    Great start. Keep up the good work.

    As for which girls, I suggest:
    Susan Bones

    And any others you can think of.

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  • From iamspammer on January 02, 2008
    Sorry, but what is PWP?

    Anyways, I am looking forward to this story and really hope that you do not abandon it like many others.

    Along with power, does he also get their knowledge? I mean he just bound Tonks, does he now know everything an auror does? (will be good if he does. more power/knowledge that way)

    About Women:
    You dint mention anybody from slythering and Hufflepuff. I would suggest (other than you already decided):
    - Daphne
    - Blaise (assume female)
    - Tracey
    - Katie
    - Parvati
    - Luna (Make her seer or something to help Harry. I know it might be repetitive but..)
    - Padma
    - Susan
    - Hannah

    If you are into older women then:
    - Minevera (Her transfiguration knowledge; if he also gets knowledge)
    - Poppy (Healing knowledge; if he also gets knowledge)
    - Amelia (Her fighting knowledge; if he also gets knowledge)

    Don't get ALL women though. Looses interest

    Just throwing my idea. If crazy then ignore it.
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  • From defiant1981 on January 02, 2008
    I really hope this story is continued but that it doesnt run away, as so many multi fic do

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  • From brainic2004 on January 02, 2008
    great story so far keep up the good work, as for suggestions how about something with the Patil twins.
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  • From Slytherinsheir on January 02, 2008
    Now that is a new twist... Interesting indeed, I look forward to reading some more!
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