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Reviews for A Chance at Happiness

By : Vampirezdarkgurl
  • From on September 13, 2008
    We must have the same luck because I read the stories that never seem to update at all! but fall in love then can not stop reading the same few chapters over and over then review the author.

    This is a great chapter and I love the way Harry tries to let go and deal with it,I had the same problem,it does not get easier if you have two!!!!!!
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  • From TiffanyAK on September 13, 2008
    Yay! I guess 95% of the vote is pretty definitive.
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  • From tigerchica36 on September 13, 2008
    Ahhh I do that too. It sucks especially if it's well written, and then gets abandoned.
    Well, I agree that there aren't that many good Harry/Voldemort stories out there, but yours is probably one of my favorites.

    Now, this may seem like a continual question, but do you know any good Harry/Wyatt stories? Harry/Wyatt are the stories that got me into crossovers. But rarely are those stories finished.

    Either way thank you for writing and completing this story, it really is amazing.
    Good luck with you book!
    I know that must be tough.
    update soon!
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  • From Selera on September 13, 2008
    Ahh so sweet so wonderful. ^^ Of course this looks to be wrapping up soon.. so Sad.. ;_;
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  • From UnseeliePhairie on September 12, 2008
    Hahaha! Reading chapter 13 reminds me of something:

    "you can always tell who the 'woman' in a m/m relationship's the one that pulls the blanket over their chest when cought in bed"

    gotta tell you who has who whipped in the Hermione/Ron relationship (4th movie)
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  • From Diane on September 10, 2008
    Maybe cliche wasn't the right word to use. I can't remember seeing it done before, but if it's not cliche, I can't think of a better word for it. And that was a good way of addressing the questions about the spell. Just the perfect thing for a lawyer to bring up. Periods are easy things to miss. They're just so tiny. I hope you don't mind the grammar points because I have three more. The first two are pretty easy. If you want to capitalize titles like Cadidate, Elder, Minister, Wizard, you need to do it consistantly. I suppose you could choose not to capitalize them, but I would. Second on the list would be in dialogue where one person says another's name. You do it fairly often, but every time, the names need to be set up with commas. Doesn't matter if it's the begining, middle or end of a sentence. I saved the hardest to explain or learn for the last. The best way I can think to explain it is when you have part of sentence that... isn't really part of the sentence, you set it off with a comma.

    I've got examples from your own stuff. Maybe that'll make sense. "Nodding[,] Sirius and Draco followed him out into the hall and towards the few empty teachers quarters in the dungeons." "Rolling out of the bed[,] Harry hurried over to the cherry wood crib in the corner and picked the screaming Dante up. Gently jouncing Dante[,] Harry moved over to the changing table and set him down on it."

    You like to use them a lot so I thought it was something you'd be interested in learning. I hope you don't mind. I just like seeing good writing look even better.

    Oh, I almost forgot, the part where Voldemort was listing off the reasons he couldn't have put Fudge under a spell, don't make that a bulleted paragraph. I can re-write it for you if you like, but you really shouldn't have it bulleted or set off the numbering with colons. Again, I'm just being annoying and picky.

    Let's move on to the fun stuff! I love the argument with Arthur. He sounds like such a jerk and I just love how it's stuck to him for being a greedy wanker. I'm also liking the Auror who escorted them to the trial and back. He seems like a good guy and he could be valuable to them later. You also do a great job of not losing Dante. It may seem like a stupid thing to say, but I've seen authors who forget things like who's holding the baby and have the character do something that would be impossible with a baby in hand.

    I don't have a lot of experience with newborns or new mothers, but in the few cases I know of, the mothers usually end up going through a little period of depression and worry way too much over the baby. My cousin was certainly nuts after her first kid. Just thought I'd throw that out there if you wanted to add it to the story.

    Umm... one last thing. I love how sweet Charlemaigne is with Dante. It's just cute. I'd have him say something like, "Any creature who isn't from the same region, or even country, will feel..." rather than the state thing. Not a lot of countries have states. I have no idea about Russia though.

    And now's the part where I shamelessly beg for another chapter and more Charlemaigne fun. He just seems like a fun character so I want to see more of him. Oh! And Sirius Draco fun! I want to see that bit. So please please please!
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  • From ANON - puffin on September 10, 2008
    I really like this story and the way its turning out. I know you said that this story was almost over but could you send me an email at to let me know when you update. Thank you very much for doing so. I'm off to go and check out your other stories.
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  • From bumblebee on September 09, 2008
    Yay! another happy great chappie!

    Looking forward to read the next ^^
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  • From TiffanyAK on September 09, 2008
    Thanks for the new chapters. I've been too busy in real life to read the story lately. I look forward to more though.
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  • From Carmeleyes23 on September 09, 2008
    Awww. Loved it
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  • From Jan on September 06, 2008
    OMG! Charlemaigne's back! Yay! I was hoping he'd return back soon, and you did bring him back quickly!!! So happy!!! ^_^

    LOL! I know what you mean about not being able to find the right scene to make Sirius into a creature. Oh, and thank you for adding me! I can't wait for the first notice! ^_~

    Please update chapter 34 soon ^_^

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  • From ANON - kunitsu on September 06, 2008
    Nice, Fudge finally got what he deserved. That scene between Dante and his mate was so cute and endearing
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  • From Vittani on September 06, 2008
    Brilliant chapter. Is that the last one or is there more?
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  • From Ladyroo88 on September 06, 2008
    I love it!! this story was cute!
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  • From Selera on September 06, 2008
    YAY! Keep it up! I can tell this story is almost over but I am so happy about what is done!
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