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Reviews for What A Wonderful Time

By : Raisden
  • From Shiauko on May 20, 2008
    You again! It's me ... again! I happened across two of your stories! Yay!

    D'AWWW X
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  • From thomasxxman on January 19, 2008
    thanks for the fic!i attempted a slash fic didn't really work out. i really appreciate this though!it was really good
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  • From SuchR0m4nticEy3s on January 15, 2008
    I can't believe this only has one review. Beautifully written, and the way you bought such an unconventional pairing together in a believable way is wonderful.

    Who knew Ron and Dean could be so hot and cute all at the same time, it's just too bad they can't live happily ever after :[.
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  • From luvhp on January 10, 2008
    Geez, wankers, after 200 hits and not one review! Not very nice ;)
    Hell, I thought is was very nice, very hot and very sad. Well done.
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