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Reviews for What is love.

By : ThePanicParody
  • From bananasforyou on June 01, 2008
    wow i like!!!!
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  • From Jan on June 01, 2008
    Love it!!! Though I worry for Harry's sake, Taylor seems like the player type, not the kind of guy you want to spend the rest of you life with. Wonder when this "blond" comes into the play?!

    Please update chapter 4 soon. ^_^

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  • From Jan on May 26, 2008
    OMG!!! So sorry for not reviewing earlier, I had though I did, but Nope I didn't (blushing crimson) And once again, I Thank You for recognition, I'm so honored :D
    Though I have to say... I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU CALLED ME SENSEI!!! Though I don't mind you calling me that seeing as you my Master ^_^ {heehee)

    Please update chapter 7 soon.

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  • From lucyespinosa88 on May 19, 2008
    Loving the story. I'd also like to congratulate you on your response to that lame ass flame you got. If they don't want to read stuff like that, why the hell are they on AFF? I find you should take every flame as a compliment :)
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  • From thrnbrooke on May 19, 2008
    Nope not wrong but might just bring Draco and Harry to meet again! If DM is Draco Malfoy. I sooo need chapter 7!!!
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  • From Jan on May 05, 2008
    OMG!!! A cross dressing Harry?!?! Gods, this story is going to be so much fun to read!

    Though I am hoping that Harry and Draco do fall in love for real, and That Harry doesn't turn into another Ginny!

    And when that happens, I hope Draco reopens the case and proves that Ginny was the lying, cheating bitch and leave her and her man in the streets in poverty!

    Please update chapter 6 soon. ^_^

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  • From thrnbrooke on May 05, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 6!!!
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  • From dominique1 on May 04, 2008
    i like it so far but i do hope that ginny ends up giving everything back to harry and that harry proes that ginny was the one that cheat on him and i hope she becomees poor and the wizarding world turns on her
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  • From alleycat88 on April 21, 2008
    Hahaha! Luna cracks me up! Thanks for updating!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 21, 2008
    Cross dressing Harry! I love it! Can't wait for chapter 4!!!
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  • From thrnbrooke on January 17, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 3!! A paternity test could have voided Ginny's claim!
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  • From Veracityrules on January 09, 2008
    I'm confused (not about the story; it's good, as was your other one) but about that flame you had. Did you remove it? If so, you should have left it for all of your readers to see and laugh at.

    There are some real nut-jobs out there who have nothing better to do than to flame and berate fanfic writers. I don't condone incest, rape, abuse or paedophilia in any way, shape or form. But I do believe in freedom of expression and creativity. I avoid fics of this nature and I read (because I can, unlike some of the chimps out there) the warnings and therefore don't read them.

    I write graphic (highly sexual in nature & consentual) slash (17> onwards) and always post warnings to alert readers of the themes and content my stories contain these. I advise them to avoid them if they don't like and although I haven't had anyone flame me regarding my content, I have seen other authors (like yourself), who like have posted warnings and yet are being flamed these crazy-arsed reviewers.

    The fact that your stories didn't contain any of those themes that the stupid idiot claimed didn't seem to bother them?! I think that person came across the site, saw some of the more extreme content and just decided to leave a ranting review. Ignore them, don't let it faze you or put you off writing. I think your analysis of their character was spot on and keep at it.
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  • From bananasforyou on January 08, 2008
    wow those reviewers are nuts,huh? i liked it!
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  • From bananasforyou on January 08, 2008
    ahhhh i want more pleasE!
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  • From sonykit on January 08, 2008
    hey!it's your new story! i didn't expect to see it this quick. nonetheless, the first chapter was okay. highly improved grammar and spelling (actually, i didn't see any typos anymore) so that's good. i was a little disappointed to see top!draco (this is really very personal, as i read exclusively top!harry fics), but i really want to see where your going with this fic. again, i must commend you on your pretty unique characterization (for gold-digging!harry, at least - seeing as he's still the only one we see in the first chap).you ginny was just so hate-able i found myself wanting to really throttle her. hope she suffers much in the end. looking forward to how you develop harry and draco's relationship. more good luck with your writing! ;)
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