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Reviews for High Priced

By : dysonrules
  • From bananasforyou on January 10, 2008
    i loved it!
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  • From GML on January 10, 2008
    Squee!! OMG! This was a work of absolute Genius! *grin* It was soooo different from the other Veela fics! I absolutely loved it! This fic is the only one I've been able to think about for the last 48 hours (I had to keep interupting my reading so it took a while to finish)! Absolute Prefection. *beams*
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  • From ANON - xLalax on January 10, 2008
    omg i'm loving this! if it wasn't for your summary i would probably not have read it but i'm glad i did.... you're so right, i mean 90 of 100 veela-stories are crrraap but yours is well the best i ever read, thats for sure! go you!
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  • From Vittani on January 10, 2008
    that was perfect. just the right ammount of obstinate, sweet and oblivious harry. and slightly cruel yet possessive draco. I absolutely loved it.
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  • From QueenB on January 10, 2008
    Ch. 1 Well, I suppose this is sort of a happy ending. But I found myself being more than annoyed at Malfoy, especially since he kept ordering Harry around and calling him names. Did he even thank Harry for rescuing him? No, he just shows up and starts making demands (including that Harry buy him a house--expensive whore, isn't he?). He can't even call Harry by his name! Cute trinket and broken engagement aside, you'd think he could manage that much.

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  • From dysonrules on January 10, 2008
    Thank you so much for the fab reviews! I wish this site had a "reply" feature. I've never been to Egypt, although I've always been enthralled with it. Many of my fics read like travel guides and I have a great time researching these places--I could lead a tour through Blarney Castle, even though I've never actually been there, lol!

    I had more fun with this fic than expected. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
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  • From ANON - Silver on January 10, 2008
    Best Frikin Veela story ever! It was awesome I loved how Draco acted lol. Good job ^^
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  • From ANON - cris on January 09, 2008
    This was a fresh take on the Veela bond thing. I liked how you kept to charachter and not turn all 'fluffy' on it. AND the fact it was Harry as a Veela and not Draco helped also. I had to laugh. Only Harry would have that kind of luck.
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  • From ANON - luxi6422 on January 09, 2008
    I am in no way exxagerating when I say THAT WAS THE BEST HARRY/DRACO STORY I HAVE EVER READ! EVER! I was enthralled the throughout the whole story and your beautiful descriptions were absoulutely amazing! Also, the details you added (regarding Egypt, the description of the Malfoy manor, etc.)were an intellectual treat! Everything about the story was perfect! I love how you manifested Draco's charactar and conveyed his growing emotions subtly.

    Usually, when I read the last sentence of a story I feel upset and yearn for something more, but your story was so fulfilling...It made me inexplicably happy! You are an incredible writer and I will definitely follow any story you write!

    p.s. Have you traveled to Egypt yourself?
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  • From anniea on January 09, 2008
    fantastic absolutly fantastic i wish there was more. oh well off to find another story of yours. *kisses*
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  • From Toddy on January 09, 2008
    Great Story I loved it. I like stories with a real tale, just like the one you wrote. Please let us have more. I admire your grammatical writing as well.
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  • From ANON - Amiyom on January 09, 2008
    That was a fantastic story! I wasn't too sure when I started-- but it turned out to have a perfect mix of angst, drama, humor, and romance. Great job!
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  • From Extraho on January 09, 2008
    |i love you. this was a great story that i truly enjoyed reading. id ask for a sequel, but i like the ending. though it would not hurt......
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  • From Epona on January 09, 2008
    i really liked it. it was a different take on the whole veela thing and you did really well! it made me laugh and it kept true to the personalities of both. well done.
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