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Reviews for Very Nearly Veela

By : Ms_Figg
  • From Ms_Figg on January 15, 2008
    No, I didn't find anything that says Hermione suspected Ron was gay. Maybe I overlooked it? There isn't really much mention if any of Ron and Hermione even being involved in the first few chapters, which was why I felt it needed to be addressed, particularly with the Snape attraction developing. We only knew she's an Arbitrator and got hit with a Veela spell and is a virgin. There needs to be some rounding out. What about her personal life? Then, we need to show more of the Veela influence then just the sexual side. The other influences could be she can grow plants (accidentally), she can be very jealous, emotional and harpyish now about things that didn't bother her before, hell she might even be able to partially shift to Harpy form, if slightly. Clashing with Ron and Draco might give the opportunity to show the other Veela influences, plus be extremely funny. (I'm always looking for a laugh) Sigh. One cool thing about this form of story is I get to open up my mindset more than if I am authoring a story by myself, because I can't share what I'm thinking because it could ruin the story for the readers. Here I can show the many possibilities that one act can bring into a story. I'm sure there are other scenarios that can develop from Snape and Hermione going to the manor, or even being sidetracked, or Ron not being there . . . anything. Ok... that's enough. lol.
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 15, 2008
    Hm: I might have missed that. But having a suspicion and knowing are two different things. As far as her over-reacting... that's a Veela for you. Jealousy is a main thing among the women. Plus, I'd like to see her go off on Ron. lolol. And her Veela influence affect both of them in the process. At least that's what I'd like to see happen. I'm going to look back and see if you're right about the Ron thing. Chatty stated she was trying to move Ron out of the way, so I took that to mean there was some involvement. Going to have to comb it over. Would you happen to know the chappie?
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  • From ANON - mariteri on January 15, 2008
    The lemon was far too soon. Nice save, Queen. But I have a question Ms_Figg, wasn't it pointed out earlier in the story that Hermione knew about Ron being gay and that she suspected that he had a crush on Malfoy? Even if this wasn't the case, don't you think that you have her overreacting to the news? Anyway, lovely writing everyone. Keep the chapters coming people!
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  • From Tenar10r on January 15, 2008
    Laughed so much my monitor almost needed cleaning.
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  • From nonentity on January 15, 2008
    Yay chatty! Just read chapter 8 and Fleur is coming to the rescue! Fleur is mostly used as an irritant/comic relief in Hermione-centric stories; it's nice to see a change of pace.
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  • From nonentity on January 15, 2008
    I just finished Chapter 7, and this story is a blast. The veelas attempt at mediation was hysterical, and the illusions of Veeleria and their breeding problems are very ingenious. The clarification about people with Veela ancestors are very helpful. The multiple authors add lots of twists and turns. Ron and Draco's blood bonding should be a hoot.
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 15, 2008
    I just want to say THANK YOU to all those who have both contributed and reviewed this story. By the hit count of 5600 just 14 chapters in, it is generating interest. lol. Now if it's curiosity, disbelief or genuine hooked into it intereest, I don't know. All I know is I'm enjoying it. I'd like to tip ya'll off on one thing though. You can paste your text right into the text box without using html. That's how I do it. I write in Word, copy and paste it directly into the text box and post it. If the proper formatting is in the text box, it will be in the posted chapter. (Usually) Again, thanks to all of you. ***
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 15, 2008
    Queen: I could kiss you, literally. lol. Pacing counts doesn't it? Thank you for putting it back into dream mode. Dreams and illusions seem to be figuring in a lot in this story. lolol. Oh, and hi Eli! Nice to see you back! Good work, girl ****
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 15, 2008
    LJAM: lol. Anxious to take a dip in the lemony waters, eh? Snape wasn't the only one surprised, let me tell you. Whoa. lol. Thanks for contributing. I fixed the formatting for you. ***
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  • From LJAM on January 15, 2008
    Fourteen chapters isn't enough simmering? LOL. But good idea...everyone can have a go at their fantasizing! Well done. I think that you relayed more of Snape's character better than I did.
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  • From Queeny on January 15, 2008
    I feel like it would be a lemon too soon, due to the characters not being emotionally ready yet. >>;
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  • From ANON - mariteri on January 15, 2008
    It was good for a first attempt, but you really should get a beta reader to correct your mistakes in the future. They were few and easily over looked for the most part (spelling and wording sellections), but I don't know of any writter that doesn't need help in these areas. Good work and I hope to read more of your writing in the future.
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  • From VampireSeductress on January 14, 2008
    update again soon!
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 14, 2008
    Hi Lisa_Jean. I am adapting the warnings as the story comes along since it is a collaborative effort. Now, as far as I know there is a possibility that Draco and Ron's Blood Bond might actually have a connection with the main plot since Snape is trying to find out how to dissolve that bond because of a request by Narcissa Malfoy. I'm just taking a stab that is, or will be the case. Sorry you were disappointed, but when you have different authors, then . . . well anything can (and might) happen in a story.
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  • From LisaJean on January 14, 2008
    A stronger warning is needed. Sorry, but I didn't wait for an update for an SS/HG story to read an entire chapter of Ron & Draco that has nothing to do with the main plot.
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