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Reviews for An Alchemical Discontent

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From pendragon6644 on March 31, 2008
    And we take a few more steps forward! I love how you describe the movement from room to room, its very ease to follow and keeps we entertained. Can't wait to read what you have in store next for our hero!
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  • From Yume111 on March 31, 2008
    So Daphne
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  • From alleycat88 on March 30, 2008
    OOOO! a cliffie! So...finally the confrontation between Daphne and Harry! Im so excited!
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  • From pendragon6644 on March 29, 2008
    Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, I'm afraid I caught the bug and was out sick for a few days, but I'm all better now and back to reading! Lots has happened, it seems, since the last chapter I read, and I'm very interested in seeing Harry go after Daphne, but your being such a tease with your little cliff hanger ending, lol. Your writing is still wonderful and I'm glad to be back to reading it. Keep up the good work!
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  • From SParker on March 29, 2008
    about #18...

    Huh?!? I think I speak for most people when I say that was an abrupt ending. Hell, it
    wasn't even a cliffhanger! Dang! I feel like the door was SLAMMED in my face!!!

    How could you!!! *goes to another room to sulk*
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 29, 2008
    You know, for what it's worth even if you have a future chapter done already...if
    you have a ''burning need'' to give us an all out free-for-all fight between
    Harry & Daphne, by ALL means go ahead.

    Even IF we have to wait a few more days for it. Because at this point, I'd
    like to see Harry go all out & let go and show people why he is considered a
    powerful wizard. I mean you have to admit, it's time that Daphne got what IS coming
    to her.

    Besides who doesn't love a rescue mission with some type of justified carnage
    at the end. :-)
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  • From Yume111 on March 28, 2008
    I don
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  • From graballz on March 27, 2008
    Daphne Greengrass. I will annihilate you.



    Seriously, I was jumping up and down and pumping my fist and laughing like a maniac and screaming when I read this last line because


    Ohhhhhhhhhhh god, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO gleeful right now, and I'm on the edge of my seat because I cannot WAIT to see how Daphne gets her ass handed to her by Harry. I know she's a great witch and all, but she is no match for Harry's rage. And Harry's going to kill her and see how not everyone is afraid of him when he's 'out of control' (like Ginny...the other sniveling little bitch that needs to die) and then he'll stop taking the potion and live happily ever after with Draco!!!

    Okay, so yeah, that's a little too happy and not angsty enough, but the sweet fantasy of it will tide me over until you post the next chapter that completely blows anything my imagination could come up with out of the water!!!

    I would really like some flashbacks on just WHAT (specifically) Daphne did to Draco in the next chapter, if possible (and if not, no worries, but I can hope!) I really want to know what that bitch did to my Draco!!!

    YAY I think this next chapter coming up is going to be my favorite, so LET THE ANNIHILATION BEGIN!!!
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  • From LadyJen on March 27, 2008
    I have been reading your fics for awhile, but this is my first review on AFF. I wanted to let you know that your stories are fantastic! There is not one that I have not liked. You have me on the edge of my seat with this story! I hope Harry gives Daphne exactly what she deserves, and rescues Draco before things go too far! There is one thing that worries me, though. Harry's injury. Did he stop Cordelia's curse in time, or is that injury going to catch up with him later?
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  • From ANON - angelmuziq on March 27, 2008
    oh my god finally Harry knows that its Daphne! I hope he does kill her its the least she deserves for hurting poor Draco. Maybe Harry will lose control of his magic again and eat Daphne's magic and then eat her or something like that. Whatever it is it should be as painful and frightening to her as it is to Draco. I cant wait to see whats going to happen in the next chapter! Keep up the fantastic work. I always enjoy reading your stories and look forward to them. Update soon!
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  • From alleycat88 on March 26, 2008
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 24, 2008
    one more thing....I noticed a name 'Yume 111' mentioned about Harry, Draco & Hermione.

    The Silver Trio. I completely agree.

    As I was reading the interaction between Draco & Hermione in #16, I was like
    those two could work PERFECTLY together, to the point they could be known as
    the 'Deadly Duo', now if only they could get on a first-name basis.

    With Harry's strength, Draco's cunning & Hermione's knowledge, they would be

    Besides it's time for another 'Trio' to rise from the ashes.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 24, 2008
    You know, if I didn't know better I'd swear I was reading a mystery/drama
    novel. It has a 'C.S.I. feel' to it.

    Do you like intellectual dramas like that, as well as horror...and what
    exactly inspires you?

    By the way, is it JUST me or is Daphne '2 cards short of a full deck'???
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  • From Yume111 on March 24, 2008
    So Harry likes even "negative" passion, as anger, as well, he enjoys passion, someone "full of life" apparently (at least in Draco)? That should mean that he
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  • From thrnbrooke on March 24, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 17! If Harry is that powerful then how did Daphne get past his wards? Sooo need more!!!
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