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Reviews for An Alchemical Discontent

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From fairietayle on August 24, 2009
    Daphne is so sick and twisted I can't help but be intrigued by her. I admire strong women but I doubt I could ever become anything like her. She's just too much everything; too intelligent, cunning, smart, powerful, self-confident, skillful... I wonder, does she ever get lonely, wish for a companion, someone of her own level? I'd imagine it would get lonely, but when she's so busy playing her games... She may seem like she's complete as she is, as herself, but maybe she just hasn't yet realized she needs something from someone?

    I love the way the relationship between Harry and Draco evolved. It was slow and subtle, and yet fast and powerful. I love the devotion, and the way Harry is so ready to protect Draco, and also the way they just fit. Harry needs someone to protect, someone to belong to just him, and Draco likes that and it fits him. You really create the perfect pairs :D
    I love and adore the way you pointed out the loophole on the potion. It still works, but maybe not in the way the taker would like to think. It really is kinda dangerous, because it changes with the taker. So it's risky to take the potion, because you have no idea how it will change your personality. I'm also kinda scared what will happen once you don't take the potion anymore. Draco didn't have any problems, but what about Harry, who has taken it for the past six years? He had no defences against his emotions once they started to bubble up to the surface because he hadn't dealt with them in a long time. It's gonna be an uphill struggle for him. And because of all those things, I'm so happy that you take the time to point them all out. Decisions have consequinces, and things change, and it's amazing and awesome that you really concentrate on showing all of them.
    You weave a web that's intricate, beautiful and mesmerizing, and that gets the reader to really think. And not just inside the story's bounds, but also in the reader's own life.
    You're not just telling stories. You're teaching us about life.
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  • From Diane on August 13, 2008
    That was excellent! I love how Draco and Harry work together, especially when they're working on Desire. Their interactions are so wonderful. And I love the changing of what Harry hates most about himself. I had my heart in my throat every time Draco was hurt and in danger. That ending was so full of excitement. And damn if Harry eating Daphne wasn't one of the coolest things. That description and the whole action was just awesome. I'd be turned on if I was Draco too. That was just so awesome! On to the third part!
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  • From ANON - rAiNwAtEr on May 18, 2008
    Brilliant, just brilliant. It has been a while since I have last read one of your stories, and I am glad that I have had the chance to finish this second installment of your series. I look forward to reading the third part. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I hope that you continue to write wonderful Harry/Draco fanfiction.


    I just loved how Harry 'ate' her magic. It was wonderfully creative.
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  • From ANON - Sol on April 09, 2008
    I waited for this one to be finished before I started reading. I still had to leaf through the first part of the trilogy to remember everything before reading this. Well, needless to say that whatever you write is always my cup of tea but I couldn't help but think in some parts our boys were far too blind about their enemies. Really, if Daphne had been as powerful as it was hinted, she could have become the next Voldemort. But all is well over and done with. You said that there will consequences on making Daphne a squib, I'm sure many of those are Harry's guilt etc but to think like Draco, wouldn't it be easier to just imperio her and make her give away her money to charity and off her to Australia or something? Obliviate her? Because IF the ministry gets involved and there will legal issues to deal with, it might be just easier to kill Daphne. Ah, I'm just blabbering and I have no idea what'll you in the next part but if something like that happens I think Draco should have dealt with Daphne in a true Slytherin way :D Oh, I even though I don't review that often (read: I'm lazy and rarely offer anything constructive)I have and will read every story and one-shot you write! you'll never get rid of me!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 09, 2008
    Sooo loved chapter 20!!! The way Harry took care of Daphne! Holy smoke!
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  • From graballz on April 07, 2008
    Chapter 20 (again) doesn't end much better than that!!! I just had to review again to tell you how much I LOVE that ending!!! I'm SO GLAD Harry didn't misjudge Draco's and Daphne's relationship and instead saw it for what it was: slavery (well, worse than slavery because of all of the memory modifications Daphne did and the pain in Draco when he alluded to her...the "dying at any moment" stuff that was so exhilarating to Daphne, the twisted fuckin' bitch...)

    And then he ENDED it! COMPLETELY!!! SO GOOD!!! Just goes to show...don't mess with Draco, man! Harry is one pissed off motherfucker!!! I LOVE IT!

    That brings me to my next question (which might be answered in the next story?) but now that Daphne's magic is gone, does that mean that all of the effects on Draco are gone too? Like, do the memory modifications still stand? And that pain in his chest when he was alluding to Daphne with Harry...all of the life-threatening stuff is gone, right?

    (That would be SO not fair if Draco just keeled over in the next book, just fyi...I think that would justify some major limb-rendering. Yes, I know Daphne's already going to have to live as a Squib, but I think Harry would go back and rip her a new one and then some if Draco gets hurt by something she did when she had magic...)

    Again, I cannot TELL you how much I love this story, and I thought it was SO PERFECT how Draco reassured Harry at the end! I just LOVE it when they 'get' each other like that!!! And yes, I agree that Harry totally needs some TLC now, so time for Draco to take charge and pamper Harry!!!

    Can't wait for the next one! You are a GENIUS!
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  • From pendragon6644 on April 04, 2008
    Wow, That was so cool! Un eloquently I know, but still true none the less. Harry actually ,ate, Daphne's magic. That has got to be one of the coolest ways I ever seen Harry rescue anybody. I absolutely can not wait for the third book to start, You've done such a great job so far, I know I wont be disappointed!
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  • From bananasforyou on April 04, 2008
    oh i cant wait for the next part in this series soooo excited!!
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  • From ANON - Graballz on April 04, 2008
    OH MY GAWD!!! YES YES YES YES YES That was EVERYTHING I could have hoped for and MORE!!! I LOVE YOU, LOM!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! That was amazing, and you are my hero!
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  • From Yume111 on April 04, 2008
    Well I can certainly see now why Ginny would be scared and Harry traumatized.
    Still, Draco
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  • From Ellanath on April 04, 2008
    That little tart got what she deserve!
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  • From alleycat88 on April 04, 2008
    Yes! I cant wait for the next installment! this was excellent!
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  • From acr1228 on April 04, 2008
    Great story. THough I hope Draco cherishes, protects and woos Harry as well. Frankly, Harry needs it more! I love all of your writings, and your update speed is simply astonishing.
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  • From ANON - Moyima on April 03, 2008
    Great ending! You really set that finale up well. Daphne was so horrible that even Harry eating her magic didn't make her sympathetic. Looking forward to the next segment!
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  • From Yume111 on April 02, 2008
    Well, another cliffhanger, but I don
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