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Reviews for The Lion and the Serpent

By : emilywaters
  • From myniephoenix on February 14, 2008
    Excellent chapter for this wonderful holiday. thank you for updating. do it again soon.
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  • From QueenB on February 14, 2008
    Ch. 19 Many people have written about what attracts Harry to Draco. Draco is one of the few people who has never idolized Harry for something that happened to him when he was only a baby. He never saw him as a hero, savior or saint. He has teased, taunted and ridiculed Harry mercilessly practically from day one. When he first talked to him in Madame Malkin's robe shop, he didn't even know who Harry was. That would be enough to draw anybody who hated blind adulation such as what Harry got. (The Boy-Who-Lived is such a stupid title. Why not call him the Boy-Who-Takes-The-Train or the Boy-Who-Catches-the-Snitch? Worshipping someone because they survived an incident that killed their parents is like kissing someone's feet because they lived through an explosion. )

    But what is it about Harry that would attract someone like Draco? Could it be because Harry also has no expectations about Draco? He didn't want Draco to be a Death Eater or follow in his father's footsteps. He didn't worship Draco (and, even if Draco thought he wanted that, worshippers are not the same as friends). Long ago, the 11-year-old Draco wanted Harry as a friend and Harry rejected him. That must have been a shock. Perhaps deep down Draco would desire someone so indifferent to the pressures of fame, money, wealth and power instead of all the Slytherin sycophants who, after all, were only interested in protecting themselves--like that Calixa.

    Now, however, his yearnings run deeper. He craves punishment and the attendant forgiveness. Harry swears he isn't going to give it...but he's been a Gryffindor for too many years. How long can he maintain callous indifference towards someone who needs absolution so badly? It's hurting Harry to be so cold. Sooner or later, that icy facade has got to crack.
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  • From QueenB on February 14, 2008
    Ch. 18 Harry is merciful in victory and gracious in defeat. If he was the monster Calixa accused him of being, he would have killed her and her conspirators on the spot and who would blame him?

    He handled that situation with Calixa's little posse with absolute control...and for once he didn't decide to go it alone. I was surprised to notice that he had other Gryffindors with him and Minerva McGonagall as well. The time was when he would have charged in with nobody except Hermione and Ron at his side. Then, again, I suppose with Ron dead and Hermione on her self-righteous rant he didn't feel he could trust her any longer.

    I don't think Draco should be punished for his disloyalty because he committed none. Harry was using him so he obviously knew exactly what Draco would do. He played him like a cheap fiddle so he can't blame his slave for doing just what he would expect.

    Besides, Draco wasn't going to betray Harry. Calixa was manipulating him, too, with the rest of her cohorts chiming in with just the kind of comments that would hurt Draco and sting his pride. But he wasn't falling for it; like Calixa he is a Slytherin and very much attached to his body parts. He knew Harry didn't trust him and wasn't about to risk getting punished or killed in a stupid murder attempt.

    I'm starting to get really annoyed at Hermione. Harry has changed because of the war, making him more cunning and thoughtful. But Hermione is still operating under the notion that he should be the same good guy and hero that she once knew. You need more than good intentions to survive the plottings of others. Has Ron's death taught her nothing?!

    Your story is really affecting me and that's how I know it's a good one. When you start thinking and yelling mentally at the characters, you know you're getting swept up and involved. Keep it up!
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  • From QueenB on February 14, 2008
    Ch. 17 You know, I'm reminded that the Sorting Hat wanted to put Harry into Slytherin when it was first placed on his head. There are writers who have speculated on how he would have turned out if that had happened. The idea of courage, loyalty, cunning, intelligence between parceled out to people under the names of dead heads of council and all of this being decided by a piece of talking felt was something I always thought to be deeply ridiculous.

    For one thing, people can't be slotted into categories so easily as that. Secondly, children don't need hats to decide whether they want to be brains, beauty queens, jocks, goth kids, stoners, rebels or good guys. They usually make that decision on their own or others of their kind recognize them and accept or reject them accordingly.

    The Harry of your story obviously has the ability to be a hero AND a cunning manipulator and it's a potent and intriguing combination. Now that he's on to Calixa and her little gang of assassins, I'm eager to see how he'll deal with them.
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  • From QueenB on February 14, 2008
    Ch. 16
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  • From Shinri on February 14, 2008
    been following this story since chapter 1. wanted to tell you that i do enjoy it.
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  • From hpn827 on February 14, 2008
    Any change you can make it so that I don't have to sign in just so that I can review.
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  • From hpn827 on February 14, 2008
    It really makes me happy that Miss Cain is not going to get away with anything & that he didn't get Draco in trouble. I was really worried about that. In the beginning of the story I really didn't like Harry but now I'm starting to like him. I have a different impression of him now from because of how he acted in chapter 18 & 19.
    That's brilliant how you used the Mirror of Erised to see what Draco really desires. I'm guessing that you're getting to the good part. I hope so anyways.
    Thanks for the UPDATES.
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  • From ametomoe on February 14, 2008
    neat story, i'm really liking it! dark harry kinda scares me, but this time it's not so much sick as it is sad. please continue!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 13, 2008
    im still reading and in deir love with it!!!
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  • From Nikte on February 13, 2008
    YOUR STORY IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love it, please update soon!!! And you get a box of heart shaped cookies, I can
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  • From thrnbrooke on February 13, 2008
    I sooo need chapter 20!!! Holy smoke! Does Draco know what he's asking?
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on February 13, 2008
    Wow! That was the most disturbingly dark twisted erotic thing I've read in a long time. OK, I'm sure you're gonna explain how Harry can see what Draco sees in the mirror because the mirror usually doesn't show other people what the viewer sees, but I'm sure Harry's power supercedes that somehow. It's mind boggling and incredibily sexy yet twisted that Draco wants to be tied to Harry that way...and now that Harry has accepted, oh my. This is gonna be so delicious if and when they start exploring this type of relationship. It's definitely not equal on the surface but they are both getting something they both really need out of it...Harry better watch out, he'll wind up just as much of a slave to Draco if he lets this continue. Which is fine, as long as it won't jeopardize their lives. Speaking of which, what kind of crazy plan is he cooking up this time? LOVED this chapter, will read it again.
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  • From Poppendol on February 13, 2008
    More lovely chapters. PLease keep it up.
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  • From cravedom on February 13, 2008
    Oh, the tears! This was so bitter sweet. I wonder if it would be possible for me to forgive somebody who killed my best friend. It is quite the complicated situation I am very eager to see what happens. The chapters are coming in very fast; are you a fast writer or did you have the chapters completed already?
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