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Reviews for Sight Unseen

By : disgruntledfox
  • From Dreiad on March 09, 2008
    *le sigh!* Your story is so lovely! And incredible erotic! I'm utterly adoring it, I hope you update lots and lots and lots LOL
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  • From Hine on March 09, 2008
    Is there going to be DracoHarry in later chapters? Because if not, then your story is in the wrong section. That being said, I LOVE THIS STORY! This is the first LuciusHarry I've ever enjoyed and I can't wait until the next chapter!!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on March 09, 2008
    Good story.
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  • From myniephoenix on March 03, 2008
    love a good slave fic. please keep up the great work.
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  • From disgruntledfairy on March 02, 2008
    I'm really excited about this story! I can't wait to see where it goes. Until the next chapter! :)
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  • From Calrissian18 on March 01, 2008
    Well, I liked the first chapter quite a bit! However, I don't know if I can stick out the Harry/Lucius pairing or the other promised unpleasant ones. Harry can only be paired with Draco in my mind. But your writing style is incredible and your imagery is...delightful, there's really no other word for it, so I'll probably try to stick with it for as long as I can. Ill admit I'm very fickle so I honestly don't know how long that will be. Who knows, maybe I'll pick it up again when Harry and Draco are together, because I really like it, leaving myself wholly confused but in a (hopefully) smut-induced bliss. I really hope you'll write something else so I can enjoy your style and a pairing that's more....aesthetically pleasing. Haha.

    P.S. Thanks for your review on my story. I greatly appreciated it even if it was mostly to kick my butt! :p
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  • From alleycat88 on March 01, 2008
    Im already hooked hun! Gimme more!
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  • From sanda on March 01, 2008
    good story
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  • From bananasforyou on February 29, 2008
    i like it!
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  • From janeJumped on February 29, 2008
    Sounds good sofar. yeah, thats all im typing today. But i did review, so cookie for me.
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  • From thrnbrooke on February 29, 2008
    Very nice!!! Sooo need chapter 2!!! Sounds like Peter is going to be a problem!
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  • From alma on February 29, 2008
    Ooh, I like, I like. Can't wait for more.
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  • From Kiira on February 29, 2008
    I almost left without reviewing, even though I like this beginning! *shame on me* But ok, hih, here I am reviewing. I'm just sorry that I'm very tired and my thoughts aren't running so clearly as to make me able to give a proper review. But I am interested to see where this goes, how will Lucius be and most importanly when and how will Draco come into this =D

    Please update soon ^_^
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  • From Jan on February 29, 2008
    Me like! Me like!!! I can't wait to see how Lucius really is in this story. Hope he's a decent guy.

    Please update chapter 2 soon.^_^


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  • From Narcoleptic86 on February 29, 2008
    please email me when you update

    loved the first chapter!
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