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Reviews for Draco and Harry: Escorts Entangled

By : dysonrules
  • From jjd on November 19, 2017

    Will you finish book 6?? so many good storys are left unfinished. 


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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 20, 2009
    Out of curiousity, is this story finished anywhere else, like
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  • From yukikoangel on September 30, 2008
    Wow ... I read adrift earlier and really liked your style so I basically went through all of the Escorts Chronicle XD

    Mah this is really good and the way that all stories are interrelated is great! I can't wait to see more of it!
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  • From ZooArmy on April 01, 2008
    Wohooo, I can't wait for chapter 03. I wonder what's going on with Harry, but well who doesn't wonder? lol
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  • From vampirekisses on March 22, 2008
    PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I just read the first five of the series and fell in love with them. I love all of your stories. I really cannot wait to see how this one goes.
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  • From SParker on March 07, 2008
    You might as well call this 'Draco and Harry: the Escorts series
    SEXtology' or something of that nature. :-)

    ...or better yet, make a series of Trilogies, since it looks like you're going
    in a different direction. By the way, is it just me or IS Harry a bit ANIMALISTIC???
    Just from description...

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  • From myangeldraco on March 02, 2008
    I seriously cannot wait until you update!!. Your escorts series are truly amazing, I love them xx
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  • From thrnbrooke on March 01, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 3!
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  • From Calrissian18 on February 29, 2008
    Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm ecstatic that you've started again! Sadly, part five was over by the time I got to it, but I'm happy to review for six! Oh and it's so, so good. Yay, Snape is alive, I was so bummed when I read the first chapter since he's one of my favorites and being taken down by undignified, so thanks for fixing it in the second. Heehee. I'm curious as to the past allusions when Harry was talking to Hermione and am dying to know what Draco's planning, knowing him it's probably something devious. I'm really glad you're back, hmmm, did I mention that already? Well, I am. I remembered immediately why I liked your stories so much upon reading these chapters, you write incredibly and I'd forgotten exactly how amazing it was! I think your writing style could keep me interested even through ships or stories that I don't even like. (not that that would ever happen). As for your ideas, well, they're quite intimidating in their originality. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update. You are amazing!
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  • From bananasforyou on February 29, 2008
    im so glad its back!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on February 29, 2008
    Another Escorts! sqee!
    great job
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