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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Luvdonite on June 11, 2008
    I agree in part with Hermione about Harry being sick. It just isn't healthy that he has all those different people in his head, and not just that, but that he also actually believes in them. However, I don't really like how she's just going to blow his secret to St. Mungo's like that. that's just not what a really good friend would do no matter how much she professes to care for him.

    I feel really bad for Ron. He's really taking it hard- poor guy. I also feel really bad for Harry. I hope he's okay. from the way you ended the chapter and the urgency and madness I felt from it- I really thought the guy was losing it and about to slit his wrists or something. (hope that doesn't happen)

    anyways great chapter. im just like randomnly commenting to whichever ones inspire me. lol. keep up the good work and words.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 11, 2008

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  • From ANON - Gaurdad on June 11, 2008
    AHH! My computer spazzed out on me for the last review XP

    I can't wait to find out if Draco will come and save Harry, or if something bad will happen. On the edge of my seat excited okay. And for some reason my email is guarded so I'm putting it up here, So if you can you can email me with the update on the next chapter? :)

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  • From ANON - Gaurded on June 11, 2008
    Could I possibly be added to the update list?
    Its an amazing original Idea, and I can't wait to find
    I love this story and haven't been able to stopped reading it. Amazing writing, plot, and your own way you write/made the characters. I am anxious to read the next Chapter. Please update soon!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on June 11, 2008
    OMG! NO! NO! WTF??? What are you doing?? I can't deal with this shit right now. Please stop the madness!

    I'm speechless and 3 days from now is WAY too long to see if you're as horribly cruel as I feel you may be right now. That goddamn pensieve thing should have been destroyed a long time ago! What in the hell was Hermione thinking making threats like that and then just LEAVING. Hello??? If he's that sick and has clung to Metamorphasis for that long, don't ya think that's like telling a crack addict you're gonna send them to rehab-be right back. I really don't have anything to say, the confrontation was just as bad as I thought it would be, Ron is still a dumbass, and Hermione is full of shit, I'm sorry, that whole coming out slowly and properly tactic is the kind of bullshit people feed people who don't want real change and don't want to deal with reality. Harry's rapid deterioration during the conversation and after was frightening. Yeah, he may need help but there's a way to do it, and his friends really confirm that they aren't the safest people to handle this stuff. What in the hell happened during his 19th year? Did Draco see through his bullshit? So many questions, and now I'm like in a really bad mood. I should have expected no less from you, I forgot you're a Mistress of dark and ugly turns, I just hope it's a very short lived one or at least it's curtailed.

    WTF is up with Voldemort-Nagini? Why those names? Uggghh...please update sooner than your posting schedule, put me out of my misery here. : (
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  • From ANON - Lola on June 11, 2008
    No, I like that the motivations are murky, it's like real people who don't even always know what their own motivations are.
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  • From ANON - Alexiad on June 11, 2008
    Oh God! Talk about a cliff-hanger. I absolutely cant wait to see what will happen with Harry and Draco and Metamorphasis and Ron and Hermione... Oh God. Loved this chapter, please please please update again really soon.
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 11, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 37!!!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on June 10, 2008
    Oh no....NOT liking this deception at all...LOL@myself when Harry summon this Gerald persona, I was like who the fuck is Gerald and what business is this of his! I had to re-read the persona's introduction to find out if it was a separate person and I was SO disappointed to see that it was a Harry persona. Which is funny because when he reached into himself and pulled out Brian I was cheering! But Harry is fooling himself if he thinks Gerald is just a bodyguard persona, Gerald sounds more like the weak scared self loathing Harry Potter to me. Lying by omission is still a lie and there must have been another way to handle this...I hope this doesn't come back and bite Harry in the ass as far as his relationship with Draco is concerned. Ron is an idiot in this fic and I honestly want his face to be cracked. I can't believe Hermione gave him that spell to do on him. I LOVED all of the defensive spells Harry used in this chapter. You're brilliant, and this is just another reminder of how creative and detailed you are when re-creating the Potterverse...a lot of this stuff is better than canon, so kudos to you for that. BTW, when you write powerful!Harry, it's so damn love love Harry when he's doing this thing!I can't wait to see the naked Aurors on the front page of the Prophet, let's see how they try to explain that...and those quills writing down all of their 'deviant behaviors/dreams' is gonna be hard to This confrontation or as Harry calls it "atonement" is gonna be nasty, and I'm not expecting it to end well, I'll be surprised if it does. He only has to atone to himself and NO ONE else...the deception was wrong yes, but Ron and Hermione should understand that he had to contend with social forces and rejection because of who he was, and they really didn't do anything to make coming out and being himself easier. I hope he holds his ground, apologize for deception and not who he was and WHY he did what he did. GREAT update...I'm both fearful and hopeful for the next.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on June 10, 2008
    Going away on vacation has it's downfalls, one of them is not having time to read my favorite story, but a perk is having two chapters to review when I got back...@35. I'm so excited to see this party getting under way. I'm a bit worried that Harry still hasn't heard from Ron and Hermione...what does that mean? I guess I'll find out...well, hopefully. I'm glad he's figuring out that he's made enough concessions in his relationship with him and isn't gonna go over there to beg. I felt sorry that Harry had to answer all of that mail, but I guess there are responsibilities that comes with the role of being the real Harry Potter that he'll just have to learn to deal with again. It may even be good for him, grounding him even further in his identity. Love that Harry found dress robes that were different from Brian's but yet still just as striking and flattering. It only confirms that that part of Brian was very much Harry, and I hope like Draco, that he gets used to highlighting his inner and outer beauty. He doesn't have to flaunt it, but he doesn't have to hide and pretend it doesn't exist, being Draco's man will be really great for him in that way along with so many others. I'm trying not to hate Nusante, but I swear the man is just a little self-absorbed and I don't have a lot of patience for unempathetic people. I like how Harry handled him though...LOL@Harry's little whisper to Lucius...I can't wait to see what he's gonna do, I mean, what can he do..he's outnumbered. I hope I'm not speaking too soon. The best part of this chapter was the last's about freakin' time and I'm so happy for him for getting to this point. AWESOME on to the next chapter. : )))
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  • From Christabell on June 09, 2008
    I loved the 'attacks' against everyone trying to disrupt the whole event - the pictures and the embarrassment that occurred first were perfect, and I couldn't help but giggle at Harry's second attack.

    As a thought, I love watching the play-by-play between Draco and his family and friends, as I have throughout this entire story. You take the mindset that is so uniquely Slytherin and make it so convincingly ingrained in the characters. It absolutely fascinates me to see that quality in the mind games and strategies employed by them. I'm always pleasantly surprised because it's completely against the way I operate :)
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  • From Yume111 on June 09, 2008
    I love the chapter title.
    I loved the entire chapter too, and I enjoyed it up to the moment that Ron arrived. After that... well it was painful.

    I was afraid a "relapse" would happen sooner or later, but it was still very very disturbing to see it.
    Have we arrived at the core of Harry
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  • From genna on June 09, 2008
    I was reading the other day that civil unions are like Jim Crow segregation for gays: treat people differently for their sexual orientation and give them a separate set of right. I had never heard that argument before.

    When I read what has brought the separate motivations of Nusante, Draco, and Harry together to fight the criminalization of gays, I have to smile at your story. You offer several different viewpoints within the continuum of thought. It's very, very interesting.

    Good job.
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  • From BloodyRoseBlack on June 09, 2008
    OOh... i have a REALLY bad feeling that Lucius put some kind of curse on Draco... Something to make him marry that girl or/and want to abandon Harry... I just hope that they'll discover it soon and it won't bring poor Harry any sorrow...
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  • From avihenda on June 09, 2008
    hmmm, I'm not really seeing where this is going at the moment. Lucius sounds like he's in denial land and so does Ron. Nusante is probably the one selling them out as everything started after he arrived. I just feel like he's suspicius.
    great chapter!
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