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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From SoftObsidian74 on June 02, 2008
    oh sooky sooky now-the shit is about to go down, and I'm more than ready!!! I love the line about Draco putting his nails into Harry and Harry reveling in the feeling of it because it anchors him in his body and the here and now. Harry is finding himself more and more, and he's come a long way, and I love how Draco is bringing him along unconsciously and unintentionally in how he reacts to him. They really are made for each other in this story and it's a beautiful thing to read. I love how Harry is now using the characteristics and protective gestures/mannerisms of his personas to be *himself* in tough situations. It's what most of us do really and the fact that he's conscious of this and sometimes not is a awesome sign that not only does he believe in himself but he finally is able to recognize who he is and what he's capable of. Nusante can suck a big fat one as far as I'm concerned. He has no right....but whatever, Harry is a real man and a real hero and he's gonna just suck up all the stupid criticism and do the right thing. It only makes me love him more in this story. I just hope I'm not placing too much confidence in Hero!Harry and I hope he's not being over confident either...which feels like a strange thing to say since I've been wishing for him to get over his insecurity since this began. I like this Garrett lady and I hope she puts people in their place and schools them, well as much as ignorant folks can be schooled about things they really don't want to learn about. I hope this party doesn't turn into a blood bath and Harry really can hold his own against the shady plans of Lucius and whoever else wishes to bring hell to their door. I don't see a death warning, so I'm hoping you won't make it too tragic. I'll want to kick Lucius you say? I already do, but it sounds like you're gonna make me hate this man, hopefully not permanently. No word from Ron and Hermione yet? Probably a bad sign. I can't wait to see how the civil rights fight for freedom to be yourself, freedom to love who you want, and for Harry, the freedom to be Harry Potter all goes down...what a GREAT teaser and set up chapter. Can't wait 'til Friday!
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  • From Lunatichero on June 02, 2008
    Hmmm, Draco likes forceful Harry...or maybe he just likes progress. Its a hard choice. The one stable point in this situation: Draco
    loves Harry. After this, all facts, faces, opinions, and actions are negotiable and hard to predict. I think I might just have to marry
    you. Seriously, in a worshipful kind of idolized way. I'm just kidding. Okay, so I've been prescribed cough medicine, and right now I'm
    just very loving. Its good for everyone. I think I may be a little too excited about this party, I want me some Powerful!Harry, and
    some Equal Rights!Draco and some couples fighting.
    Thank you,
    Lunatic With A Hero Complex
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 02, 2008
    I am so excited for the upcoming chapter!!!
    I slightly forgive Nusante... I can understand where he's coming from.
    Where is Lucius is all of this? I REALLY want to know what he has up his sleeve now....
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  • From Yume111 on May 31, 2008
    Another wonderful Slytherin scene, dead serious, but not completely devoid of games. The underlying emotions are just as real as anybody else
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  • From Yume111 on May 31, 2008
    That was very interesting and not what I expected. I thought they
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on May 31, 2008
    mmm cant wait to see what happens!!
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  • From Mangacat on May 31, 2008
    My.. there wasn't really serious action in this chapter, but I think it's very important in the way of interlinking!! Let's see how that attack Lucius's been sitting on the whole time turns out!!
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  • From ANON - SoftObsidian74 on May 31, 2008
    I'm still feeling uneasy about Draco's friends, especially Blaise. What a quick turn around for him...too quick. That conversation, or rather, the lead in and Draco's musings before the conversation with them were hilarious....the thought that Slytherins would actually enjoy that sort of confrontation and use their innate characteristics to have fun with such a thing is probably true. Most people would be scared as hell. I'm not sure what to think about Harry going to the Prophet..I guess he had no choice because of the public nature of his coming out. I just hope this reporter is as trustworthy as Harry thinks he is, because the Prophet sucks in terms of accuracy. I'm dying to see the confrontation between Harry and Ron. I think Hermione will be supportive, even if it takes some crying and comforting to get her there, but I have no idea what you have planned for Ron. I am very worried to hear that Lucius may try to hurt Draco and/or Harry. I thought that maybe this whole thing would bring out his protective streak and motivate him to perhaps shield his son from attack. What Narcissa said makes sense, but I was hoping that it would have the opposite effect. Let's hope she uses his own knowledge and experience with her husband to assist her son behind the scenes. The shit really is about to hit the fan on a whole new level and the way you've set the stage, we have no idea if we're about to witness a car wreck or an amazing epiphany and landmark change in the old guard....or perhaps something in between. Either way, as Sam Cooke said 'a change is gonna come' and I can't wait to see how you plan for it to all go down. I'm hoping for a happy ending with love and old relationships made new and strengthened by new insight and understanding, but I'm a cynic if Lucius can't get with the program, I hope he will at least give up and leave Draco and Harry alone. GREAT update, as always, the next three days until your next will be long for me!
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  • From thrnbrooke on May 31, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 34! It will be interesting to see who stands by their sides.
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  • From ANON - Jessie on May 31, 2008
    chapter 33! it was so good (: -while i was waiting for your update i read most of all your other stories and spent all of today (from when i got back home) reading "building with worn out tools" and in that story it was utterly amazing, but if i say so myself i prefer this one better.
    im so happy that draco was able to make up with his best friends though (:
    and may i have your livejournal? i find it easier to track updates there than on here xD.
    great chapter as always!
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  • From Lunatichero on May 31, 2008
    Alright, So I just got back from celebrating the closing night of a show with quite a few friends, so I'm not exactly at my most coherent,
    however, even in my inebriated state, I can still smell a storm brewing. Oh how I love political/moral/emotional conflict. And the fight
    that our beautiful characters are going to be embroiled in in the next few chapters is a glorious amalgamation of all three of those. So
    basically, the general emotion on this side of this computer is...drunk actor excitement.
    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From Jan on May 30, 2008
    OMG! I always thought the Wizarding Community should of been annihilated by f**king Voldemort! But I also think that the freaking Gay population should fight their own war alone, seeing how quick they are to turn their back on Harry! But also because their 'always' expecting him to do the job for them, so they don't have to do any bloody hard work for themselves!

    Gods, I love Draco, love the way he's all protective over Harry, and the way Harry is all protective over Draco ^_^

    Please update chapter 33 soon.

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  • From ANON - qwerty on May 29, 2008
    My liking of Nusante went way down with this chapter. At first he was excited at the prospect of having Harry make an appearance at the meeting, and then he was such a jerk.
    Great chapter. If a bigger explosion is going to happen in the next chapter, I can't wait to read it!!
    I cannot wait to know what the Wizarding World will do. Ack! I'm so excited!
    I love the last scene with Draco and Harry. The emotion was just pouring out of them.
    Great job!
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  • From ANON - bigkt on May 29, 2008
    this fic is amazing! I don't think I've ever read such a complex fic on here before and I can't wait for the next chapter xx
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  • From ANON - Andria Meredith on May 28, 2008

    I rather liked Nusante as a character, until now. Does he even realize how stupid he sounds? He might as well have come out and shouted "You're HARRY POTTER so you must be obligated to let us use and manipulate you for whatever we deem important." Someone needs to kick him in the shins.
    Besides, it's not as if he just popped out of nowhere. He's been a driving force in the rebellion all along, as Brian and Elizabeth.

    I love Draco in this chaper though. He's SO protective of Harry and it's SO adorable. And I love how...together he is in this story. I don't think Harry's emotional state is reaaaaally as bad off as it seems-- and I think a good bout of venting (namely at Ron and Hermione) would do him a world of good. But nonetheless he's definitely going to need Draco to be his rock in the next few chapters.

    Can't wait for the next! Andria
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